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Messages - assjiggler

Pages: [1]
awesome great advice thanks guys! ill do more research!

i was just thinking maybe i could add a variable my self or find a way to view the php code. or maybe some how get to something good since i was able to get into one directory

so say for example i wanted to mess around with a site. 

i went to -> got a list of the images
i went to -> got the home page as well
tried using a poison null byte to view the code but im Stuck.
tried adding /admin/ 

im just not sure of what to do on a php site the doesnt have a ?page=aboutus or ?id=15

what steps would you try in order to go back a directory or find the admin or .htaccess  just never really seen an example of what to do when a php page has no variable

sry if its a beginner question. just learning here

Pages: [1]

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