Beginner's Corner / Metasploit Across The Internet
« on: October 23, 2015, 06:36:44 PM »
I am fairly new to metasploit and I have by trying to learn ftp hacking. I set up a ftp server that I can connect to via public ip to simulate an across the internet scenario. I am using exploit/windows/ftp/open_ftpd_wbem and am running openftp on the ftp server. I am using payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp. I have been reading many tutorials on how to set it up across the internet but none have worked. I forwarded port 443 and set lport to 443. Lhost is my public ip. Rhost is the public ip of the machine im trying to hack and rport is 21. Srvhost is my local ip and srvport is set to 443. This is what I figured I needed to do after reading many tutorials. This hasn't worked so I was wondering I was doing something wrong. My ISP might block port 443 from being forwarded and if it does would another port work or would the server not send packets there?