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Messages - Allenownz

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hacking and Security / Re: Getting someones accounts banned/deleted
« on: September 22, 2015, 05:18:54 AM »
I've had an instagram deleted, you start fresh, this person is very self centered and will probably cry, and if I could get the soundcloud removed also man, that would be perfection, the dude is a 26 year old wannabe DJ who plays at bars who serve underaged kids. I also want to learn how to do it just because im a petty person and enjoy this type of stuff, you can judge me all you want.

Be completely honest this site used to be absoutely FIRE, I knew nothing about phishing or anything and honestly forgot almost all of it, but I had some great times learning and doing it, if I knew the money I couldve made phishing what I was back then, wouldve had some nice pocket change as a 17 year old haha

Proud the site is still up after 5 years

Hacking and Security / Re: Getting someones accounts banned/deleted
« on: September 22, 2015, 04:18:28 AM »
Good buddy of mine from the forum who I made friends with me were phishing Runescape accounts back then, my reward for getting him accounts was my sign haha, that's how old of a member to the site I am, lets link up on Skype or some sort of social media so you can educate me more on this =) I will be around more for sure!

Hacking and Security / Re: Getting someones accounts banned/deleted
« on: September 20, 2015, 11:39:30 PM »
Hehe, def oldfag here, individual is 25, what are the steps you recommend?

Hacking and Security / Getting someones accounts banned/deleted
« on: September 20, 2015, 11:21:52 PM »
Not sure if this is the correct section to post this, anyone know how to or have the ability to have someones Instagram and Soundcloud deleted?

I work in marketing, one of family members were apart of the start up and I work in marketing, you don't see me pitching "OMG" get in my ripple and help me make money. I am just showing it to everyone, again I never said join. I can make it where everyone is automatically in my ripple but I don't qualify for that.

Call it a 34 sided scheme if y'all like, just wanted to share what im working on. I love the feedback though.

Hey, Im not forcing anyone to do it, I actually said check it out. I wasnt looking to have everyone here become major RippLers and have 100K ripples, I wanted to show everyone before it got huge and if someone wanted to try it they could.

How did I lie, I am very close with the developers of this. Nowhere did I say this is my idea, I was brought in with a group of my co-workers to help with development. I am in the marketing section of the company, everything you guys are saying is all speculation and just assumptions. If you dont want to do it, then dont do it but dont act like you are an expert and bash someones idea and work.


You dont give any info, but if you think they are trying to sell e-mails youre crazy, theyve hosted several conventions.

The idea is you will be paid to promote the products you already promote, like when you first told your friend about Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest all these major social leaders and you will be compensated for it and the deeper your ripple the higher chance for compensation. You dont put a single dime down, so its not a pyramid scheme

lol, i think they sent out spam emails that they found on leaked databases.. I dont get what the hell this shit is.

Anyway, Register here:

I think its really called 'Rippin', Ripping you off :p

Did you watch all the videos? It educates you on it all


Dark, for it to be a pyramid scheme you need to either bait and switch or have it be a paid, this is completely free.

I've been working behind the scenes on a new social network that's about to launch.
It's already growing at the speed of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!
You have to see the concept to understand why. But once you get it, you'll see this could change your life forever.
Check it out here...
Watch the video and then create your account. I can't tell you too much more until your inside, so create your free account now then let me know and I can explain how it all works!
P.S. Almost 900,000 people have already joined, and it hasn't even gone live yet!  Come see what all of the buzz is about:

General discussion / Re: Large collection of music?
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:19:21 PM »
I'll torrent music, but anyone know anything that will clean my itunes?

General discussion / Large collection of music?
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:01:38 PM »
Ok, this is going to sound like i'm 12 but whatever, So I was wondering if there is anywhere I can download music more efficiently then youtube to mp3 and also get something that will clean up my library? I have so many duplicates and songs where the artist is the title and not the song name its so annoying

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