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Hacking and Security / Is it still possible to brute force online?
« on: November 24, 2015, 09:10:30 PM »
I assume brute forcing isn't as easy as it used to be since the popularity of the technique has been increasing these past few years.

I was trying to mess around and brute forcing my own live mail account, using numerous brute forcing softwares, and it SEEMS that it is just plain impossible...

I've of course tried VIA SMTP protocol but didn't work. Then I tried by https-post-form, but the variables/options needed are far too complicated to get.

Maybe there's a way I'm not aware of? Or Brute Forcing online accounts has been entirely cornered by security?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Website hacking topics, to answer!
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:54:33 PM »
All you need my friend, is TCP/IP knowledge. There's a long guide that is 1.6k pages long, but it is a true A to Z guide. If you're willing to learn about networking then read it.

The TCP/IP guide from M.kozierok

Hacking and Security / Re: Router Problem !! Urgent
« on: September 27, 2015, 04:45:19 PM »
You'll need to go deeper... SOCIAL ENGINEERING.

Try using aireplay-ng to deauth him a few times, this will get him thinking he's got a problem with his net. Once you do that, call his number and pretend you are his ISP. Then order him to reset all of his parameters.


If you block all ports you gonna have a bad time...

Hacking and Security / Re: TCP/IP knowledge : how far does it get you ?
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:17:12 PM »
Uhm... Being familiar with the OSI model and the Protocols that define it, I however have no idea of how I could "mess" with the packets (Modify flags, checksums, headers of various layers).

Hacking and Security / TCP/IP knowledge : how far does it get you ?
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:34:08 PM »
Hello fellas.
So, as we all know, the power of knowledge is Huge, especially in computering or more specifically in hacking.
Programming is of course one if the most beneficial quality.

After programming, i wondered how far could networking get me. Reading several books about tcp/IP and how each protocol functions in each layer. But i cant seem to find a way to exploit all this information to Pen test devices in my local network (remotely).

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