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Messages - jeiphoos

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Found it on the Webs / Re: EvilZone makes Fortinet News
« on: December 20, 2015, 03:40:03 AM »
Hello Roland,

First, my RaaS isn't written in Java. The references to
"libgcj.dll"/"libgcj-12.dll" are even included when Java support isn't
compiled into MingW GCC.

Second, the filenames 'wallet.dat' and 'electrum.dat' aren't exempted from
the encryption. What it's actually doing is a homework for you.

Third, CET is the default timezone on the board. I just
didn't felt to change it, so I left it to it's default value.

Fourth, as it seems, that you weren't able to find out which encryption
algorithm I'm using, it's RC6.

Kind regards,

Can you ask someone at Microsoft, why they've called my RaaS "Sarento"?

That's what I wrote him, he didn't answered it by now.
Apparently he hates to be reminded on his mistakes.

CET were at least shown to me as the default timezone.

Since the user will become suspicious and either restart their computer into safe mode and delete it, or do all they can to kill the process. It's obvious.
I'm writing the readme file to the working directory of the executable in any case even before the encryption takes place. But I'm now doing the loop twice. At the first time I'm just encrypting the files and on the second time I'm writing the readme files in the directories. Additionally, I'm closing the task manager window (very) regularly.

Most botnet owners uses crypting to infect users. And if the victim doesn't have a AV, it most likely means they don't care if they get infected, hence they probably won't bother to pay. If they use anti-virus, they probably care for their files.
I always strive for FUD on VirusTotal. I know, that the AV versions on VirusTotal may not check for the same cases as a regular desktop version.
My "customers" can pack/crypt the executables as they want, as long as the execution isn't fileless (in-memory) for now. "GetModuleFileName" have to return a valid exe or dll, so GetBinaryType have to either success or fail and give the lastError ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT.

Ignore persistence. Start-up as in, if they install new content, it encrypts it again on startup. Escalation so they can't kill off the process when they notice malware is running.
I didn't planned persistence (continuous running). I'm now writing it to the HKLM Run, if that fails to the HKCU Run. I'm now closing the task manager window (very) regularly.

Welcome to EZ, jeiphoos.

I love to help people out improving their software, I had never taken down any request like that in the past; but in this case helping you is in conflict with my job (and conscience too, but that's another topic).
I rate it highly that you ask the way you ask.
Thank you very much for your answer. I had and have quite many conflicting interests at my current and past positions. I guess, that I have to choose another occupation group.

I would probably take part in a discussion about what makes ransomware sophisticated.
Although you are right that it is not complex, there are still only very few ransomware families that get everything right.
See also
Such a discussion would be quite philosophic. I already clear the shadow volumes, I do the encryption in-place, I use RC6 and on the server-side I have random delays before and after the RSA decryption in order to confront time-based attacks on the key, so I guess that I'm good to go.
Thank you for the link.

You're the author? Interesting. First of all, make the web page that pops up more professional and serious. And make it state in exact detail how to purchase bitcoins. And don't put the text in the middle. Like how cryptowalls page was.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will consider them.

Oh, also don't make a german version of that .txt file. Hell, I even recommend against even providing that .txt there at all.
I saw how many german-speaking (even young) people don't even know an english word, beside those, which already are in a german dictionary, so I don't see this as an option.
I don't see why I shouldn't provide a readme file. What are your ideas to that, maybe a link to the victim website on all writable desktops and root directories?

Make it terminate popular AV processes so people can upload it onto bot networks.
I don't see AV-killing as a duty of my ransomware. Also, if a computer already is a zombie on a botnet, I can't imagine how AVs could be a problem.

Persistence, start up, escalation.
What do you mean by that?

Don't use .cab, use .city or torexplorer.
I'm now using .link for that. (Which was .city, as far as I can see. Thank you.)


More user friendly and serious web page.
A chat box on your site.

eh. lazy here. read it.
I will consider it.


I just found this thread.

Deque, do you have an idea on how to improve my ransomware?

AFAIK, ransomware isn't complex and I simply don't know a way in order to make it more "sophisticate", whatever that may mean.

Kind regards,


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