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Messages - svrf

Pages: [1]
News and Announcements / Re: IRC Fun, The CTF
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:40:25 PM »
ayyy can i join?

General discussion / Kali 1.1.0
« on: August 24, 2015, 04:22:10 PM »
Kali 2.0 is reallly sluggish on my vmplayer. I checked the offical site for the 1.1.0 download but cant find it anywere? Does anyone know where the legit download is.

General discussion / hacking
« on: August 24, 2015, 05:31:07 AM »
K so lately ive been hacking my virtual environment only.I wanna know if its the same process hacking servers outside of my LAN. Cause ive tried nmap scanning a public ipv4 adress ,and it didnt work like it does in my virtual environment.Can someone just explain how hacking a serve outside ur LAN works?

Pages: [1]

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