Projects and Discussion / Re: Python Bruteforce gmail
« on: February 25, 2016, 10:28:24 AM »
Before starting to think about hacking something like gmail you have to know your limitations. Bruteforcing or attacking server side login system via bruteforce by its known to be stupid idea.. Why? Since everyone since year 1990 knows that site's block/ban ip's and accounts on which more then 5 wrong attempts have been made. So you ask me how? One way is by spreading keyloger on user computer. But of course here you will face with a problem of proper distribution or malware detection.
There are alwasy ways to bypass improper login system without actually need of using correct password.... like with SQL injection, XSS,, and so.. on..
Bruteforcing now days is more or less done on client side attack.... not server side. That is the reason why i think your source code is of no use...
bye N
There are alwasy ways to bypass improper login system without actually need of using correct password.... like with SQL injection, XSS,, and so.. on..
Bruteforcing now days is more or less done on client side attack.... not server side. That is the reason why i think your source code is of no use...
bye N