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Messages - Josiah23

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: September 20, 2015, 11:32:06 PM »
Pretty good so far, nothing is causing any roadblocks. I eventually took a 20 or so hour break on my days off to rest, look at some colleges and mess around with some Linux distros.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: September 18, 2015, 01:36:36 AM »
Sure will!  :)

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: September 11, 2015, 02:43:32 AM »
I haven't given up yet! It's actually becoming easier as I learn more, but I'm probably spending way to much time each and everyday on this to the point where sleep isn't an option. :/ I should probably start sleeping more. :/ Thanks for checking on me though. :)  XD

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 27, 2015, 03:49:23 AM »
+1 cookie for determination.  Keep it up.  You can never learn too much(unless it's that your parents have a cam site).
Thanks for the cookie, even though I'm not sure what that is. you have 140, I and I'm at -6

Edited: -8 now :/

Edited again: I see where It says "steal a cookie", but I don't steal. :/

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 25, 2015, 11:29:30 PM »

I give you a week, maybe two. Depending on how fast you fail. Because saying you will devote 10 hours every time you are off is just not normal. You look like Kali is your idol, great.

Thank god your posts don't have that quote any more. Now I only need to see it once every time you spam shit.

Edit: fuck its in the post above mine. Could you remove that shit?

I believe it's gone now, but your giving me a week or two to fail? OK, I'm not going to stop learning it until Ive mastered or at least know a good chunk of it. It could be Python, Ruby, C, C++, C#, Java, SQL, PHP, and so on... 12 hours down today, 9,988 more hours to go.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:48:59 PM »
Sheesh, you learn 27+ languages? I feel like it's going to be a long ride trying to learn C, but I guess I could trust you in learning C first. Thank you for the pros & cons list too, it was very helpful.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 24, 2015, 05:27:08 AM »
Do NOT look for 'easy', look for 'versatile'.  If you're wanting to do all of those things, particularly that which requires lower-level experience(systems level development, for operating systems), then you should start with C.  You should start with C anyway, but're basically asking directly to learn C.

C is used for basically everything.
  • Your OS is coded in it(as most are).
  • System libraries are coded in it.
  • In searching for major vulnerabilities, you'll need to know C.
  • Most programming languages that are popular today are related to C.
  • Most of the technology that's used on the Internet is designed around BSD sockets, which are implemented in C.
  • You WILL need to learn it to achieve your goals.

Python is 'okay' and all, and it may give you a bit of a jump into 'immediate satisfaction', knowing that you can accomplish something relatively quickly.  But, ultimately, your best bet is to learn C first and branch out from there.  With a solid understanding of C, every other programming language is easier to learn, because you've learned the root.  It's kinda like learning Latin and then being able to more easily understand languages that evolved from Latin.  There are some differences between languages, obviously, but the similarities that exist make the differing syntax easier to learn.
C sounds great! I just bought a $17 book called "Learn Python the Hard Way" by Zed A. Shaw[emoji16] which is pretty handy.

Edited: I'm confused now on which one to learn first[emoji20] , some say Python and others say C. Python is easier to learn, but C is used for "basically everything" and will make other programming languages easier.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 11:57:49 PM »
Guess its all been said, python it is..... start with it, do as much as you can with it, if you understand the concept of coding in one language you can move to another easily.

Hmmm don't really use python much but since you just starting out i'll advice you to go with python v3, yeah yeah some might say most scripts are in v2 but that doesn't stop it being in v3 cause i know most v2 lib are now ported to v3, v2 was popular cause its older and still maintained also most people started out with it, since v3 is here to stay that you must learn(oh well its just my own point of view, some may say otherwise)

How long it might take?
Depends on how any hours you can put in a day, if you so free that you can do 10-15hrs/day then you will be alright in no time

For resources,
if you wanna start lightweight and with a project driven approach start with "Starting out with python 3rd edition by Tony Gaddis"

A more comprehensive would be "Learning Python 5th edition" though its approach is much like api tut rather than the project driven which most times we get excited about

After that would be "Programming Python 4th edition" this is more like a sequel to learning python, totally project driven lost in the named above

To complement these you can get The New Boston tutorials on python3 , some people find it hard reading only, so you could use the videos topic by topic with the ones in the book

Last but no the least Albert's, this site has free ebooks on gaming and cryptography topics (likewise you could also start with these cause it assumes no coding exp, teaches as you you could use this ones to get your feet wet).
Finish these and you would be awesome in coding, you wouldn't even need someone to show you where to go next, you would know

May the force be with you!!
Thanks for the helpful information, I'll definitely check out those website. I'll try to put  around 10 hours into Python the days I'm off. @insert-name-here, I'm a somewhat fast learner, it depends on how badly I want to learn it, and in this case, I want it bad.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:38:43 PM »

Python is a fun programming language to learn and you don't have to worry much about using header files and compiling and etc. Hell, you can mess around with it in an interpreter or programs for developing python code.

Once you master Python any other language should be easy since you already know programming basics, although you would have to get used to their different syntax.
How long do you think it'll take to master Python? Less than a year?

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:32:18 AM »
Double post is just two in a row or more. It doesn't mean it's a duplicate, it means your spamming the thread with multiple entries right after the other. This is okay in some situations, but not this one. I have fixed your mistake twice, now that you know what it is, please stop and use the modify if you have more to add to a post.

Also, you can add that Kali quote to your signature in your profile options so you don't need to post it every time.
I'm not adding the Kali post, it's my signature for all my Tapatalk forums.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 09:24:11 AM »
I'm not seeing a double post, but I do have to click the send button twice in order for it to send or it'll seem like it just delete my post for me.

Edited: Oh, I see what you mean by double post.

The Quieter You Become, The More You Are Able To Hear. -Kali Linux

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:58:06 AM »
Haha, I thought you were be serious on Brainfuck, but Python sounds like a good start. Oh, and your last question, are you referring to "The Quieter You Become, The More You Are Able To Hear." I have it as my signature for the Tapatalk app. Is it not showing up as a signature? :/

I tried Python a while back and still remember a very little of it, but I have to catch up on Python 3

The Quieter You Become, The More You Are Able To Hear. -Kali Linux

Staff note: Really, dude, stop double posting. Use the modify button.

General discussion / Re: Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:34:30 AM »
There's no language that is deemed easiest, any can be easy to learn, anyways first what would you like to do with programming? so we can help you choose one in that domain
@IamMe, I want to do a lot with programming, as a white/grey hat "hacker". I want to build my way up from knowing absolutely little to no hacking and programming skills to being an advanced programmer. I want to build OS's from dirt (scratch), be a security expert, specialize in penetration testing. I cant lie about me wanting to crack a password or two. I want to start off with the easiest language and go from there (or whatever suits me best in specifically what I want to do.) After all I do have Kali Linux 2.0 which is loaded with hacking tools, but don't know how to use any of them yet.

I've never heard of it until now.

The Quieter You Become, The More You Are Able To Hear. -Kali Linux

Staff note: Stop double posting, use the modify button.

General discussion / Re: Best os for someone new to Linux?
« on: August 23, 2015, 06:56:13 AM »
My first Linux Distribution was Ubuntu, then I moved to Mint, next was Arch, and now I'm currently using Kali Linux. The best out of all of them had to be Arch.

General discussion / Easiest programming/scripting language
« on: August 23, 2015, 06:43:08 AM »
Hello everyone @ EvilZone, I just want to ask which programming/scripting language is the easiest to learn?

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