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Messages - Nutcracker

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Which browser do you use?

Just go to:
Code: [Select] click on English icon under Prevedi:
Still weirding in IE final straw. Opened in chrome no worries. Thanks for this :-)

Would like to read but can't get english page to stay open (reverts to serbian)
Help for noob if this is noob issue  ::)

General discussion / Re: NTFS to FAT32
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:14:42 PM »
Buddy can you show me an example for /FS:FAT  working.

You got only /FS:NTFS from command prompt.

Mate, to me it looks like your using win 7 and as i said i don't know if it will work in win7. However, XP does have a couple of ways of dealing with this. Yu can insert the xp pro cd and reboot. If yu want to do it  yur gonna have to transfer the files and convert to fat32 and then re-install yur files on selected drive (remember GiB limit tho)
If you are indeed using an XP partition then yu might want to try the following. If your missing yur original XP disc then download a rescue CD image from interwebz. You can also give this a whirl in 7 as well see how u go
insert your Windows XP CD (or rescue cd) into your CD-ROM, reboot your system and follow the instructions below:

After restarting your PC Setup will begin
At the Welcome to Setup screen press F10
Pressing F10 opens the recovery Console. This is a DOS based screen so you need to first specify the operating system location, i.e. C: Drive and then log in as using your Administrator Password if yur not password authorised than forget it.
After logging in type map and then hit escape key (Enter)
Highlight the drive you want to reformat. Drive letters may differ in recovery console to those in xp so refer to sizes to locate the one yu need
Type format x: /fs:fat32 Substitute the ‘x’ for the drive letter you wish to reformat and then press Enter. Use the drive letter as its expressed in recovery console NOT the one you think it shuld b
Confirm your choice by typing Y and then pressing Enter
Once the hard drive has finished formatting type Exit and then press Enter to restart your computer.
After that u can transfer those files u had in safekeeping onto the fat32 partition.
Nothing is impossible and ignore that people might say it cant be done. Google some shit, better still wikiped it
Theres an answer for everything and a way to do everything, it's all binary my friend
Please let me know if this helped or yu need more nfo
Hope this helps  ;)

I also found this link but it means downloading software which sux i know

If you are using win 7 pro yu can create an xp virtual and convert the drive part it creates to fat or do a dula boot xp and windows 7 and turn the xp part into fat

Either way it looks like yur going to have to format and not convert which is a bummer as you'll be moving files around.

Anywayz give this a go as well

Cheers and hope it helps ;-)

General discussion / Re: NTFS to FAT32
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:56:51 AM »
Is there any way to convert NTFS back to FAT32 ?
I've had to do this on a couple of occasions and if your using xp pro you're in luck.
I converted by simply using command prompt without having to move files etc.
WARNING, if you have any files larger than 3.9 giB, you wont be able to convert BACK to Fat32. If yu do transfer tham to an appropriate usb.
To convert a volume to FAT32 from the command prompt
Open Command Prompt.
In the command prompt window, type
convert drive_letter: /fs:fat32

For example, typing convert D: /fs:fat32 would format drive D: with the ntfs format.


To open command prompt, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.

In WinXP, you can also move all the files and re-format the vol to fat32 execute following command for your disk you want to format (replace the "z:" to your drive):
"format z: /FS:FAT32"
Dunno what yu do for Linux or god forbid Mac and unsure if this works in 7 or not but it's been a while since i did it and i did it on XP and it worked flawlessly and real easy without having to move anything around (luckily all my files on vol were lees than 4 GiB in size each. It's just cleaner than having to download software to do it.
Hope it helps dude  :D

General discussion / Re: North Koreans weeping
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:32:23 AM »
people rent-a-crying is 1 thing seeing little kids do itis just fucked up. I think the son will be lees of a dictator and open up the country more. Hope i'm right . interesting vid by the way

General discussion / Re: Happy nEw Year
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:27:44 AM »
Wishing every member of evilzone a very happy and prosperous new year... 8)
seconded, it's goin to be awesome yeaR  ;)

General discussion / Re: Exactly what is hacking?
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:14:56 AM »
hacking is shit,there is a one life and its stupid to spend it on this 19 inch lcd figuring out how TCP work till world falling apart around us....
just some thouts after long time out of the box :P
If I may say, spoken like a true h4x0r. You sir, must be the internetz  8)

I hear all you guys saying read, but if i don't understand what im reading how would that help me?  Also it would be nice if someone gave me an example of what i should be reading did you guys mean guides on hacking, or stuff on say routers or w/e im trying to learn about.
Also im learning Visual basics, and once i finish that i think ill move onto Java
But do i really need to learn those before i learn C?
By the way im 14, im good with computers when it comes to trouble shooting all that basic stuff you would get from someone at geek squad but i want to expand my knowledge to programming and hacking.
Just start with something, anything at all e.g. download webmatrix and build a website, look at the code. Let that lead you somewhere else. There is no "this is where you start, this is where you finish" You type in e.g. "proxy" find out what that is and let it lead you  somewhere else. That's my 2 cents worth. By the way, i agree with everything said so far.
Happy new year

News and Announcements / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:08:48 PM »
Book on Captain Bligh and nasty nice aftershave

Hacking and Security / Re: VMware & Virtual Machines
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:54:47 AM »
In my humble opinion VBox is the majic. Can make kung fu very strong  ;)

News and Announcements / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:43:38 AM »
Merry Christmas el dude
Your image makes me warm and fuzzy inside
Now for some Scotch and Cigars with a little Brandy before bed  ;)

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