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Messages - fuicious

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General discussion / Re: Precrime on the way
« on: February 09, 2016, 01:01:57 PM »

no, no, just no.
"Well, I guess it is ok to give up our rights if it keeps us safe"
That kind of thinking is what allows governments to become to powerful and exploit the people.

Plus this tech will be abused in other ways. An example:
Homeless people are already often kicked out of public establishments, even when they come  with money to make a purchase.  If it gets to the point where homeless people can't enter an establishment, even as a paying customer, this is  actually going to encourage crime. If a person can not legally obtain what they need to survive, they will find other ways to get it.
Or what if someone caused problems because they were drunk, and so were added to that list.
Let's say a year or two has passed and they have since quit drinking, and worked on the issues that contributed to their previous episode. They are still on the list, and will still be denied entry to  places that use that service, for a mistake they have long since rectified.
It is a terrible idea.
Well if the police has access to a store's CCTV the staff can be easily seen throwing a homeless guy out, who wanted to buy something legally with money. Without CCTV, they can just tell the police he was causing problems and they'll eat it. So that argument is invalid I'd say.
Same thing with drunks. It's bullshit thinking that once you caused some problems you won't be able to enter any store, anymore. If they don't let you in, they need a reason. And the police is there to see if the reason was a good one, else they can punish the seller.
So yeah, maybe what you're saying is that with the current laws this wouldn't really go well and perhaps that's right.
But introducing the proper regulations before facewatch would make it completely acceptable.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Reflection
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:45:51 PM »
compromising in the sense the softwares(especially security) that are not meant to be open source but they become one cause of reflection.
Does it mean that one can get the source code for almost all applications? And find the vulnerabilities Or just educate themselves?
What if one makes an app in the "reflective" languages and they don't want to give away the source code?
They are open source or they aren't, they don't become it when you disassemble them, you just get to see the code at your responsibility. There are techniques to make you're code a little messy so it's not easily readable. You might be looking for this:

General discussion / Re: Current Careers & Aspirations
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:15:12 AM »
Currently studying Electrical Engineering. If I'd like doing it in the future, well I don't really know. However I do find it intriguing sometimes and I believe it can be quite useful.

I've discovered that I enjoy programming a lot more. So I will probably try find a job as a programmer in the future. I would also like to do both combined, like building and programming robots, but there aren't probably any opportunities to do something like that around here.

General discussion / Re: pornhub redirects
« on: January 25, 2016, 09:27:37 PM »
I would say it's mostly advertisement. They're usually stuffed with ads, I guess free porn doesn't make them a lot of money :p.

C - C++ / Re: Issues with understanding recursion
« on: January 09, 2016, 05:41:54 PM »
Maybe your instructor isn't teaching it a way you understand.

Here is a lecture from MIT that might help.
A nice lecture, thank you.

@TheWormKill, I think it's a little clearer to me now. I just need more practice I guess.

C - C++ / Re: Issues with understanding recursion
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:37:52 PM »
@vinci and @Trevor,
I appreciate your answer, but as I've already mentioned I do understand what recursion is and I can manage those simple examples you mentioned.
However, the problem is that I would always choose to do this iteratively instead of recursively, but I do admit that recursion here looks much better in my opinion, that's why I'm trying to understand it.
Yesterday I wanted to write a function that prints out permutations of string. Didn't really have much success so I looked it up on the internet and there I had learned an algorithm that uses recursion and in the end I managed to write it in code. But not in a million years would it have occurred to me to try to approach that particular problem recursively...

@Phage, thanks for your input, I'll check it out. I don't really wanna bother you on IRC, reading material is enough I think.

C - C++ / Issues with understanding recursion
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:58:42 PM »
Okay as the title suggests, I'm having some problems getting my head around recursion. I've been over a couple of tuts, articles and tasks that involve recursion but the explanations are kinda alike and don't help me very much. And for the tasks I've solved using recursion I would have never gotten the idea to use it if it wasn't suggested as a solution to the problem.

I've searched for it on the forum but there's only a general explanation of what a recursion is and I do understand that. I'm sorry if there is something I didn't find.

So what I'm asking is if there's any resource you guys would recommend that helped you really understand recursion. Does it come naturally to you to approach a certain problem recursively? Because I don't really see a point in using just for the sake of doing so. So if anyone got some tips, they would be more than appreciated.

General discussion / Re: Precrime on the way
« on: December 17, 2015, 10:16:14 PM »
Now imagine putting all the guys you don't like on the facewatch wanted list and watching how they're ambushed by police while buying newspaper lol. Joking aside, it sounds cool. I believe there will be a lot of this in the future and I hope it stops a lot of criminals. However, they will need to worry a lot more about hackers since their anti-criminal systems will all be about computers and networks.

C - C++ / Re: Rearranging Numbers in Ascending Order
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:21:58 PM »
It's good to break down the problems you have into simpler ones. Then try to solve one after another. My point is, although this problem is simple enough, you know that you have to sort an array. That's something to start with. Google and learn to sort arrays, implement it in your program, and then continue with whatever is next.

It's best if you could sit down and learn C/C++ from the beginning. You're trying to solve something without knowing the right tools and that's why you're stuck. But however, if you prefer to tackle a problem right away, break it down to specific tasks and learn how to do them separately.

General discussion / Re: What do you eat?
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:29:26 AM »
I don't really have strict rules on what I'm eating. I'm trying to intake less sugar and that's all that comes to my mind when I think about eating more healthy, because I really like sweets.
I eat the way I do because since I was little no one really talked to me about it and tried to change my eating habits. Maybe because they aren't actually bad, I don't know.
I did think about veganism and I don't think we will ever come to an agreement if it is the right way. It's kinda hard to approach the problem objectively, because the nature of the problem is very subjective and depends heavily on personal beliefs. So I'd say that everyone should eat whatever they want.
However, I do think that we have to be careful and put a limit to how much meat we produce so that we don't endanger more species than we already have.
I see that many people become vegan because they are against animal brutality, and IMO that's a wrong approach. I do believe that as a species that doesn't get eaten very often we have the responsibility to treat the animals we eat with respect, but becoming vegan because of that is giving up without a fight.
There's nothing wrong in eating living things, what in the world isn't a living thing?
Let's just treat them better, because they do feel pain and no one likes pain (at least no one with a healthy mind).

General discussion / Re: College or not? Need advice
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:28:22 AM »
If you know that CS is your field of choice and you are able to go to college, I'd say go for it. It is true that you can learn a lot by yourself these days, but it takes a lot of motivation to do so. Having someone experienced and knowledgeable explain it to you is always nice. However, maybe you have an iron will that will allow you to spend years of intense learning all by yourself, I don't know. Just saying what I would do if I were in your shoes.

C - C++ / Re: What to use?
« on: November 01, 2015, 08:26:30 AM »
I'd recommend CodeBlocks aswell if you're just starting out. Looks neat and it's easy to use.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Game from your childhood
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:15:15 AM »
1. Counter Strike 1.6
2. Cabal Online
I tried many MMO's later, but I had the most fun playing those two games in my childhood and probably spent the most time doing so.

News and Announcements / Re: New Board: High Quality Tutorials
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:12:15 AM »
I find the HQ section useful. As a beginner I find it kinda hard to distinguish the quality tuts from the bad ones. Having someone more experienced review the content and approve it is very helpful. The less quality tuts make more sense after going over the good ones. Good work there, thanks.

C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:00:05 PM »
But seriously. As ArkPhase said, why not use strstr?
Don't reinvent the wheel if there's no need to.
Yeah, but you need to include a whole library to do so. Regardless of that, I don't see anything wrong in trying to understand the functions we usually take for granted.

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