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Messages - Fam5AHcno5

Pages: [1]
Java / How to mimic a web browser using Jsoup?
« on: July 30, 2015, 09:15:32 PM »
First of all, I checked this link:
But I don't think this question has a complete answer. I'm writing a bot for an online game, and I want to mimic Firefox exactly. Right now the methods that I'm utilizing are:

Code: [Select]

        browsedCon = Jsoup.connect(myURL)

myCookies are the cookies from he previous page. I'm fairly certain that this is not how Firefox works, so I definitely need some improvement there. I think I might be missing the cookies from the redirected page.
Also, I'm downloading images referred in the html document, at the beginning of my browsing session. What else should I consider to make my code completely unnoticeable?

Pages: [1]

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