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Messages - TI_Dead_Zone

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Where to begin?
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:41:59 AM »

I'm very new to hacking it has been something that always been interested in but on few occasions I have been able to attempt or actually succeed at some petty game hack to prove something to my friends. When I was young I took some test or really it was an observation of the doctor's where I had to analyze shapes and patterns and the doctor told my dad I was one who was gifted in that sort of thing. Since I was too young to remember much I don't remember this test but my dad told me of it randomly. I have always had a good memory, anything where it was remembering anything I would always exceed the average person (or student). I'm looking to hone my natural gift I would assume takes the form of coding more than hardware.

My parents would be willing to fund any "classes" I guess you would call them in coding. As I said, I don't know much about it so that's why I am asking this question. I have read a forum post, "Where to start with hacking" by Admin Phage and I think Website Hacking and Code Exploiting is something I could specialize in just so you guys know where I want to go. I also wouldn't want to be a white or black hat more like grey. I don't like people to know what I am thinking, my true intentions or to leave evidence of me being anywhere. What would make more sense to say is I would like to be the man behind the curtain but no one knows of the man or curtain exist.I am willing to learn coding languages like HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, ASP,

Could you guys please point in a direction to get on track to where I would want to go, I simply don't know where to begin with this sort of thing. Doing things like reading  a bunch on encyclopedias aren't my way or memorization. I'm a see and do kind of person more than read and revise so maybe recommend a program or something. I can't even think of something besides a program to say that's how clueless I really am about the topic so you know where to begin helping me.

Dead Zone

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