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Messages - _Enigma

Pages: [1] 2
Well everything you've talked about so far implies that someone with a job title of a security tester shouldn't be using these tools... Your thread focuses on a corporate environment since you are talking about these positions

It depends on what your job is, if it's to try to find a single vulnerability in an application that you can use to further exploit the system sure a vuln scanner would be too noisy. When it's your job to make sure there are as few vulnerabilities in an application as possible then vulnerability scanners become a very useful.

I definitely agree that there should be a little overlap when it comes to the skills and responsibilities of QA and Sec, but I think youre making an oversimplification of what we do.

Im not very fond of using automated scanners myself but something you program in 20 minutes is not going to have the same breadth or depth of the test cases it performs. There are thousands of ways to avoid certain defensive methods and plently of special case scenarios that require this bulk testing. I agree creating tools or test cases should be within the skillset of a security professional, but I think youre making it sound like if something is vulnerable to sqli or xss itll pop after 5 attempts...

In my experience automated testing does a lot to give you good places to look or identify patterns about the application, but nothing beats good ol manual analysis

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:48:46 AM »
Small rc quadcopter
First lockpicking set
Asus RT-AC68U router
Walking dead compendium part 2
And a bunch of clothes that i needed badly
I made out pretty good :)

Beginner's Corner / Re: What kind of attacks viable here
« on: December 25, 2015, 11:54:10 PM »
I'm not sure of your current knowledge but If you want to avoid looking like a skid I would get a firm understanding of the fundamentals of things like networking (OSI stack, common protocols like FTP/SSH/HTTP), programming (Get comfy with one language), run a Operating Systems( try running linux as your main distro for a while and youll get comfy with the command line), etc. In my experience when I tried to rush into doing more "hacking" focused stuff I was moreso memorizing a process of running nmap and opening up metasploit against vulnerable VM's and thought that I was learning; but I was missing out.

I think this research with help when you try out attacks like shellshock, heartbleed, etc. you have the prior knowledge to actually investigate, dissect and understand the attack instead of just memorizing how to do it. Go ahead and get your feet wet with whatever tools or attack vectors tickle your fancy but unless you take the time to do your homework about how and why something works youll be missing out on the most enjoyable part of hacking.

General discussion / Re: Mr Robot
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:48:54 PM »
I thought it was great, 2nd half of the season had less focus on hacking but I liked that the story was strong enough to stand on its own without constantly refering back to its subject matter in a gimmicky way.

Whole season was good, but last episode imho failed.
I think the last episode will feel a little weak until we get that transition into season 2, but I can see why you feel that way

Beginner's Corner / Re: Ideas for a Security project?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:47:02 PM »
Not sure what the focus of the class is but python has an awesome packet manipulation library called scapy that I used to throw together an ARP DoS tool. Its really powerful and intuitive once you get the hang of it and can be used for a bunch of projects, just limited by creativity :).

Java / Re: A question about source code editors
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:51:22 PM »
I would definitely recommend getting comfy w vim! Ive heard arguements whether it should be used for java development over full IDE's, but once you get past the steeper starting learning curve its amazing for any scripting/programming needs you have.

General discussion / Re: Birth of a New Meme
« on: December 05, 2015, 03:20:32 PM »

Girl with chest hair or guy with tits o.o

Operating System / Re: [ask] compare backbox with kali
« on: December 04, 2015, 02:21:32 PM »
None of the above. Make him learn how to use Linux properly, not how to "hack". I recommend Arch and Slackware, maybe Gentoo.

To put it in perspective it's like asking which brand of a car to get your little brother before he knows how to drive.  Neither OS is meant to be used as a "main" OS, using a version of Linux such as the ones from WormKill will give him the understanding of the command line and operating systems. This would also prevent him from becoming a script kiddie.

Pretty sure server side needs have the openvpn default port of 1194 UDP open.

Do a port scan on your remote server to see what ports are open. You used putty so we know 22 is probably open.

This might sound silly, but I remember using an ssh tunnel to pivot a remote desktop connection through another machine. Could he tunnel his openvpn connection through port 22 if its not getting blocked, and the firewall on the remote server can redirect traffic from 22 to whatever port openvpn intended to use?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Best things to study toward OSCP?
« on: December 03, 2015, 11:50:55 PM »
I've also been working toward getting ready for OSCP, something that I've found really useful is downloading VMs from and trying everything I know to crack the machine. This'll help get you into the mindset to tackle the labs and the certification itself.

 I recommend trying to avoid using the walkthroughs  as long as possible so that you exhaust all options doing your research. I still remember solutions that took days of research because I thought it was something complex but it ended up being something silly that I overlooked, but all that research is never wasted time if youre effective.

If you do end up resorting to the walkthrough (which will happen in the beginning), read up about the solution and understand why this method may be a new addition to your skillset/ what you look out for.

Have you tried running wireshark to see if thatll shed some light in how the conversation goes specifically? Also when you connect with putty what port are you using (assuming 22)?

Operating System / Re: Tails
« on: December 03, 2015, 11:29:51 PM »
I've never had the chance to use whonix(checking it out now), but I thought the Emulate Windows option in tails to be a really interesting feature. Definitly good to have a live usb if thats your thing :).

Scripting Languages / Re: [Python] Browser automation
« on: December 03, 2015, 11:25:21 PM »
I'm not sure how in-depth the application wanted you to appear as a browser  (running a java applet for example), and you have an interesting take on automation come out of it. But as a fun fact my first thought for a solution to your root issue was to alter the User-Agent header of the POST request.

I've never done it from python but it seems simple enough:

Pages: [1] 2

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