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Messages - CompulsiveCoding

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Looking for the best programming language?
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:16:13 PM »

Beginner's Corner / Re: here are some practicing sources
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:31:45 AM »
You forgot

That was a very brief description of what I have in mind.

My goal is to create a command-line application -- written in C or something -- that sets the computer's  MAC address to one that is randomly generated. I'm thinking about adding an option that would save the machine's original MAC address to a *.txt file so that the user can switch back if they want to, later.

I realize this is a fairly simple application. However I think that this will be good practice for learning about MAC addresses (and how to spoof them!), as well as give me the opportunity to do something with the C language, which I had begun learning a few days ago.

If any of you have advice or input -- that is if you think I should make a change to my idea, use a different language, or simply criticize the mere notion of something so daft -- by all means DM me or click reply! :-)

Pages: [1]

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