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Messages - Blackoutt

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Sometimes SQLMap bugs if the URL have more than one argument, like the example you used.

If is the case you can specify the parameter you want to test or skip the unwanted ones like the example:

sqlmap -u http://example/test.php?feature=music&song=1 --skip feature
sqlmap -u http://example/vuln/test.php? --data="feature=music&song=1" -p song

I think these examples are self explain :)

When I got this kind of error this syntax solved everything...

Found it on the Webs / Attacks over DNS
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:41:28 PM »
Found this article about DNS Attacks. Pretty good explanation about it.

High Quality Tutorials / Re: Interpreting Antivirus Detection Names
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:25:46 PM »
This will help a lot.


+1 for you

General discussion / Re: SCORPION
« on: August 27, 2015, 06:44:34 PM »
Guys, is the stuff they do in the series SCORPION feasible? Seems a little far fetched to me. But if u ignore the time they do it in, is it possible? Wud rly like 2 know.

Too much fantasy and fiction. The main character Walter O'Brien is real (google it) but some people says that his histories are a little exaggerated and/or maybe fake.

If you wanna watch a tv show based on real facts you can go to Mr. Robot and CSI Cyber. Not all real but more plausible than Scorpion.

They said too that his IQ maybe fake too

Found it on the Webs / Multi-stage malware
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:59:07 PM »
Hey guys, look what I found.

I was searching for a good topic for my Graduation Project and found these papers. It's a system/technique to deliver malware in parts. Anti malware and firewall solutions won't identify or match in one signature because the malicious code is broken in many parts.

When all parts are present, one script rebuild the malware and infect the system.

I think I'll use something like this as final project.

For a moment I thought that I invented something, but when I googled it discovered that already exist. :(

Like practicing martial arts in a dojo on a mat and secure environment with friends using plastic swords and padded gloves.

Not the same as fighting/defending yourself in a bar or other hostile environments.
You condition yourself to be soft.

This may not apply in this example. If you go "fighting/defending yourself in a bar or other hostile environments" maybe you won't have a second chance :D

Transparent locks are good to start but you will get tired of them very quick. I started this way and when learned how this works never used again this locks.

The only one I still use because it's a little different (and fun) is transparent handcuffs :D

Tutorials / Re: Spam False AP's in the Area using MDK3
« on: August 18, 2015, 08:25:38 PM »
Good idea!

I will definitely try that :D


Hacking and Security / Re: Security certification path
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:26:19 PM »
CompTIA certs are enough? Looks like too shallow :D

I don't like Cisco but is true, there's no way to get a good job without it...

And Microsoft is OK, I'll look for them.

General discussion / Re: How do you feel about sharing your knowledge?
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:18:39 PM »
I usually like to share information, but i'm not solving the problem for others. I give directions and if the person is really interested, with the info I gave is enough to find the answer.

With this you can identify who really want to know and learn and who only want to hack everything and everyone with no efort. :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Security certification path
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:43:57 PM »
Get a bachelors in computer science [and information systems/technology] then worry about certs

I'm in the last year of my university course. :D

I'm getting a degree in Information Security (and something about network engineering at same time, this course have 2 degrees, don't now how this work for sure).

Hacking and Security / Re: Security certification path
« on: August 16, 2015, 05:20:43 PM »
Good point white-knight, but in my reality (not sure if is here or just my opinion) CISSP is lower grade and OSCP is higher, in price and in knowledge required.

I know some CISSP professionals but don't know personally not even one OSCP professional. Everyone says that OSCP is one of more dificult cert to get.

I don't have money to get OSCP now, I think I will start with CEH and after that go for ECSA (here we have a company who is ec council partner and we have discount). With these two I have a good chance to get promoted and have a little more money to spend in certs. When I have money I'll look for OSCP and maybe CISSP.

Not sure about any of these, but this is the plan :)

Hacking and Security / Security certification path
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:26:52 PM »
Hey guys!

I'm studying security for some years and I see a need for security certs to get decent jobs and other opportunities. I know, cert is not all you need but is something.

I wanna know your opinion about this subject, what is a good path to get some certifications to get recognized in this aspect, and not lose money with junk certs.

I was thinking CISSP, CASP (Sec+ needed I think) and ECSA (CEH needed), not specifically in this order.

EDIT: OK, CEH is some junk but is needed, today I found the ECSA slides and other things, lets see if is same as CEH.

EDIT 2: How can I forgot OSCP!!!! :D

General discussion / Re: Kendo techniques
« on: August 11, 2015, 05:04:57 PM »
Thanks for sharing 0E. What comes in my mind , Blackoutt, is that some sword fighters , such as miyamoto musashi, learned on their own, and they did it by thinking what is good, testing as well, how to make a grip, how to move, how to strike, how to parry, when to move in, when to retreat. All those things can be learned only if you think deeply of them. And of course, by testing it out. Every martial art that is here now is once created by some man who knew nothing at all. Sooo, in that same way, one can learn alone. But it is important to truly understand and test what he learns, rather than accepting it blindly , and doing wrong thing forever.

Right! But you need to learn the basics with someone. Musashi and others are old stories, maybe all real maybe some parts myth. Don't know a lot of swords and swordsmen, my thing is archery, but you can't rely 100% in history. Looking to archery legends it's very similar, I have a basic knowledge and training in traditional archery.

I practiced for more than a year alone, doing what I thought was right. In fact I did evolve and improve my skills, but when I went learn with a very graduated coach (or master in archery :) ) In 3 months I corrected a lot of things I did wrong and improve 10 times more. And here I'm not talking yet about modern archery with technology assists, only traditional :D

So, IF Musashi and others are all real, and you follow him in every aspect you will reach your goal, but now we have other methods to reach this a lot more quickly. Your argument "some sword fighters , such as miyamoto musashi, learned on their own", look how many sword fighters learn this way and were sucessful and how many learn the other way

You can devote all your life to learn this way or you can go in a shorter path and train a entire army in the same time :D

General discussion / Re: Kendo techniques
« on: August 10, 2015, 06:18:10 PM »
In my opinion, Martial Arts in general is almost necessary training in a gym, dojo, or similar place. Some things you can't learn by yourself or learn wrong, causing harm to you and others.

I'm black belt in Hapkido and Kickboxing/Muay Thai and didn't find useful training alone, maybe if you already know the moves and have some experience. :)

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