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Messages - BurnTheWicked

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C - C++ / Re: What to use?
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:23:01 AM »
@rogue.hackz & ArkPhase - I've been programming for 20 years, I started on the C88, with vi, on a console based bare bones 0.3 Red Hat. I was taught embedded systems design by a 30+ year senior embedded programmer for NASA. I see absolutely no point in using any of the flashy bullshit most n00bs use these days. The truth is, N00Bs have to use those plugins, and all those "extras", cause they are too busy being too new, to keep track of simple bullshit... If you are incapable of keeping track of your program's execution without needing "documentation", you're a n00b, if you can not deduce your mistakes without needing some "auto error finder", you're a n00b. More importantly, if you can not code in a manner, that is self-secured, and hard to exploit; you are a n00b. Period. So, in other words, you are kids... I am a kid.

C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:09:26 AM »
novaccaine - You would actually listen to someone cheap and stupid enough to use wordpress websites?? Fuicious is correct, it is a proper mind set, to both question, and understand the simple things we take for granted. You may see it as "re-inventing the wheel", but real hackers see it as "Oh, that's how it works", or "Hey, if we try this, we can increase our overall throughput by 20%". How the fuck you think we have mobile devices, and tables? By fuckin re-inventing the fuckin wheel.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Is this even possible to do?
« on: November 01, 2015, 04:57:10 AM »
Well, I don't use shell scripts for anything outside of a collect of shell commands. But, to start, using curl, to set the proxy, is not a good idea; it is better, to proxy through the routing, layer 2 if memory serves me right. Look at ifconfig, ip, iptables, and ebtables (all commands). Curl is okay to use for web applications, but outside of that, you would be better off using distinct protocols, such as telnet, ssh, mysql, ect..

Second, I don't recall "do" being used with "for" loops; that is for "do-while" loops. Also your curl command has it directing the output to "/dev/null" aka the blackhole. So even if it did work, you wouldn't know.

I would suggest to learn C/C++/Obj-C; also   great place to catch a quick reference to commands, also the "man" command is always useful, same with " --help".

...Why wouldn't it be a worth while tactic; however, source code for malware, that is the fantasy. It's a better idea, to do this with classified documentation; a way to legally and illegally make public, information that is hidden. However, when it comes to government or private agencies; VPN is a relatively unnecessary ordeal, especially when you consider the fact that we have satellites, giving us global range direct network access.

I think you are basing this on fantasy, and need to understand, malware is typically not necessary, in order to spy on most people; or to gain access to most networks. Anything that is considered malicious software, in fact, is actually just a form of viri. True malicious software, is OS independent; capable of executing, completely on it's own accord, without the need of any operating system.

Also, something to keep in mind; IPv6 protocols have been in government use since the dawn of the 2000's, 40gb ethernet was already in the works, by the time gigabit ethernet came to the public domain, i.e. 10gb ethernet networks were in operation in the 90's. Also something else to keep in mind; science fiction, isn't all that fictional; telekinesis may seem to be fantasy, but it's reality, stephen hawkings communicates telepathically to the world, with the use of a computer.  Oh, and why hide a server pharm, in Russia or Africa; when you can hide it on the moon, or mars?

Though, none-the-less; the best lie, is the truth: everyone expects a lie, so when they hear the truth, they turn a blind, and act as though the truth is a lie. Human kind has a fascination with deceiving one's self.

General discussion / Re: Is anyone of you a minimalist?
« on: August 03, 2015, 02:06:00 AM »
I was a minimalist once; those were the wildest, craziest, most drunken nights of my life. Well, pre 21 that is... I couldn't live that anymore; the partying is cool, until it gets old, but otherwise, yea not for me. I have way too much shit. I mean, just my desk is almost the size of that carpet... And it's still not enough desk space lol... But then again, that kinda happens being an entrepreneur.

General discussion / Re: JJHYOUXI
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:38:14 PM »
@Satori - Nah, I'm probably not going to share any logs. If I am to expect him to respect my family, I too need to respect his Z-net, and his anoynomitity...

@Xorsion - I didn't decide to share this for all of you; I put this out there for that person. This has nothing to do with ego; I just want to make sure, it does stay just a game, simple and put.
Oh, and did you not notice that I gave information about what I was doing, and using? Why would I do that, if I had any intention of anything other then a game?

General discussion / JJHYOUXI
« on: July 29, 2015, 03:36:53 PM »
You're a bit of a N00b (not newb, don't get me twisted). I intentionally let you into my network, I intentionally let you dick around in my network for a bit. Then I just booted you out, like it was nothing. Truth be told, I have been toying with you this entire time. And to be completely truthful; I was seriously hoping you were gonna tap into the previous holes I have in my laptop and ipod. Actually I had my network open, just hoping s/he would come back; but after a couple of years, going back and forth at eachother, I don't think he wanted to risk loosing his Z-net.
You have done some interesting tries, some of which I actually thought was going to work. It would be nice to find another hacker, that is at his/her level. That motherfucker tossed me around like a fuckin rag doll.

Simply put my laptop (blackdragon), is currently just an out the box installation, not updated, not hardened, and the only thing I have done to it, is a custom firewall, that isn't loaded at boot. Back when my laptop was 10x more hardened then my desktop (nolimit); that fucker tore this laptop up down and all around. I can't count how many times I had to go very deep into this system, just to be able to use it. That person destroyed any system I wouldn't allow him into, simply to prevent me from tracking his ass down. But then again, the original target; in some ways kinda deserved it; hence how I got this laptop lol...

Now, I don't give a shit what you do to me; but touch my family, and I'll show you, death is a mercy. Truthfully, I've enjoyed watching your attempts; but you need to stop with the bullshit microshit exploits, and there is no point in constantly retransmitting your packets. And as far as I'm concerned; have fun, do whatever, just leave my family out of it. I learn from this type of shit; but I do need to make sure my family is protected; simply put, my mother was an ironworker for 15 years, she is disabled, and that is a job very few men, are man enough to do. And truthfully, I don't see that as asking for much; just simply some respect.

Now that, that is out of the way... Have you uncovered the Z-net from before? I noticed you're good at duplicating automated traffic; so I have to ask lol... Also something to keep in mind, I am using linux kernels, 3.9 and 3.19 I think it is. These systems are entirely binary installations, you probably don't want to see what I can do with compiled installtions, let alone what I can do with the rack servers sitting in my garage lol...  Simply put, this is far from my first rodeo, and I live for this shit; take it up a few notches bruh, you got the opportunity to test your skills against someone who makes security agencies look like amatures, so use it. You could learn a lot from me, and I could also learn some from you, especially considering that I am still trying to get my bearings on the 3.X kernel series lol... 2.6 was the longest lived kernel for a reason lol... Anyways, I just watched you trying to spoof as my ipod; enjoy, just don't cross the line ;)

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Fucking with a Steam hacker
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:40:11 AM »
@Deque - I apologize for the overreaction; I was tired, and in pain, not trying to make an excuse, just saying. As for continuing; that's on you, if you would like to, sure... Though to be honest; if I'm really gonna explain why I called you a skid; that I would rather just be to you. But that has nothing to do with any "heat" I have here; actually it's entirely legal heat I have to worry about.

@0E800 - It's microshit; what isn't a skid tool?

@default - If you go into to the services; on top of looking at the Windows Defender; a couple other things to alter with that...
IP Helper - Disable
IPSec Policy Agent - Disable
Netlogon - Disable
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager & Connection Manager - Disable
Remote Registry - Disable
Server - Disable or Manual
Secondary Login - Manual
Terminal Services - Disable
Terminal Services Management - Disable
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper - Disable
Windows Media Player Network Sharing - Disable
Windows Remote Management - Disable
Windows Event Collector & Log - Automatic
Workstation - Manual

@everyone else - It's a good thing you don't trust me; I was trained to lie, I tell the truth cause I can't stand pretending. Problem is, the truth is unbelievable. Mark Twain - "Fiction is often more real then truth; cause fiction has to make sense". Hell, I was crackin biometrics in the late 90s; I was dickin around in 10gigabit ethernet networks, years before gigabit ethernet become public domain. I may be a washed up has been; but everything you see in today's technology, either came from, or started in those days... Y'all new agers, seriously need a little lesson in Old School... Read this

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Fucking with a Steam hacker
« on: July 23, 2015, 10:18:09 AM »
Deque, where in there did I ever say malware? I said I use it when cleaning out systems; that doesn't mean malware... CCleaner, does more then FRST; it scans the registry, and for the last 10 years, has stopped invalid firewall rules, that doesn't get cleaned out from any Malware system I have ever tried. On top of that, CCleaner, cleans out JUNK FILES, TEMP FILES, and so forth; it makes all the tedious bullshit like cookies, including sticky cookies, and tracker cookies, as easy as pie. Plus, you can scan, or wipe any free space on your drive, to ensure there is no non-indexed programs being hidden, or to cover tracks on deleted files... And to top it all off, it allows you to alter any startup file; not just windows start ups, but also IE, Chrome, Firefox, Scheduled tasks and so forth.
Oh, plus it provides similar information as FRST; or at least it is far more in-depth then HJT.

Now, I haven't cared to be in any community in a long time; cause I got tired of idiot SKIDs like you. Farbar, learned some shit from me, over 6 years ago... See I use programs, based on trial and error, and how it compares to other programs; I don't use a program cause "Reputable communities", say to use a program, that's skiddy bullshit bro... Seriously, do you think Linux would even exist, if Linus Torvald, used what all the "Reputable Communities" used? Fuck no, he didn't spread Skiddy bullshit...
And you're right the bullshit here, is at a high amount; stop spreading bullshit... You're inability to understand the difference between cleaning out a system, and MALWARE; pretty pathetic when I am the one with Memory Issues... You're inability to distinguish between; referencing the similarity, the best part of an old program, or me questioning if it had ever been used; and me telling someone to use that program.... Are you fuckin Delusional??? Stop fantasying, and stop seeing only what you want to see; that inability to tell the difference between what is REAL, and what is IN YOUR HEAD; makes you Delusional... I have brain damage; so yes, I have memory issues, and yes I get things confused; but what the fuck is your excuse? Cause I have an actual reason, with 2 MRIs to back it up...
And one last thing... Malware, is not the only thing that can be cleaned out; skid... And if anyone needs to be in the "shame corner" it would be the person using programs cause "reputable communities" say to use it, instead of using a program cause it has survived the test of time, and passed with flying colors... And again, the person who made FRST, learned shit from me...

@default - I too said jokingly, but Deque obviously has an ego problem; and shit I always worry about my own egotism, why do skids think they know it all?

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Paranoia
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:24:45 AM »
Ok, for your router; double check, make sure you're getting the dns from your ISP, or set your router to send dns requests directly to your modem/gateway; is a broadcast address; or in other words, every time you send a DNS request, it is broadcasted to basically everything. is also used by DHCP; and it is possible to trick DHCP, into a VPN like state, so that does have me questioning, if your network could possibly have become a node in a zombie network...

Also, as for metadata; it depends, there are a lot of exploits, based on metadata, so it is possible. As for DNS exploits, there are tons of exploits there as well; most of the time though, people use DNS exploits in a sense of DoS, or to simply watch where you're going. Is it possible someone is trying to fuck with you, and make things difficult for ya; sure why not lol...

As for finding what's wrong; download wireshark, and monitor in promiscuous mode; this way you can see if there are any questionable connections, ect.. As for trying to get rid of it; make sure you're system is clean, use Avast for anti-virus, and also look up CCleaner (piriform), it works well cleaning out the registry, or invalid firewall rules. Change your router's passwords, and make sure it is set to only accept DNS from ISP; or get the DNS addresses from your ISP, and manually set it yourself...

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Fucking with a Steam hacker
« on: July 23, 2015, 03:10:51 AM »
You guys should look up the software before you start telling us about your spidey senses tingling.
IMO Deque should charge you as a client instead of trying to be helpful. Too bad, you had an opportunity to learn something from a professional and instead your shooing away the help.

Dont be skerd.

Considering you said that, after I posted, it does seem as though you're also talking to me... Did you not realize my reference to HiJackThis? The original to Farbar recovery scan tool... I put that reference in there, for a reason. CCleaner, has a section, that does what Farbar recovery scan tool does. If memory serves me right, farbar used to speak very highly of HiJackThis; hence why farbar scan tool even exists...

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Fucking with a Steam hacker
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:43:57 AM »
Honestly... I agree, that does seem sketch as fuck... However, here is something else you could try...  CCleaner I have been using for over a decade (when it comes to cleaning out Microshit systems). If you've ever used HiJackThis; well this is much better, but does give you an ability to check deeper then usual like HiJackThis used to do... Also for A/V use Avast or Panda; these two have always been at the top. Actually Panda and Avast were the first to actually implement sandboxing...

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Fucking with a Steam hacker
« on: July 22, 2015, 08:21:25 AM »
Truthfully, it is possible there is no ip to find; now I haven't gotten deep with steam in many years, since it first came out. But if they haven't fixed some of their issues, it is possible, for someone to high-jack your connection, and use it, as it's tunneled through you. Perhaps, it might be a good idea, to first think about using wireshark, to sniff out what is going on, while you are on steam...

Although just the same, the idea of trying to social engineer the person; that would imply you already have an idea of whom it was. So, sorry sh4d0w; kind of a moot point. And though Watch Dogs may not be real; it's not too far fetched either; shit, you can turn a person's monitor into a keylogger with virtually any mobile device... Hackers have the ability to take down governments, and the governments know it; it may not be what Watch Dogs is, but Watch Dogs is a great fictional representation, of what hackers can do...

So I'm just gonna try to cover both of your posts at once... As for simply tracing; say 'traceroute'; the most that will show up is essentially an echo request, and this will only be seen, if the person is actually logging net traffic. As for a geoip lookup, that will not be seen by the person.
As for cloaking your IP address; well the best way to do that outside of using say TOR, or a proxie; iptables, in the nat chain, you can spoof your ip that way as well... Truthfully I haven't done that in a while, so the exact commands necessary eludes me at the present moment. However, I am currently writing a tutorial for iptables; it's needed for training curriculum for my company, and I had already planned on putting it up later here at EZ. Although for windows, you're choices are a bit limited; wherein TOR or a proxie, is pretty much the best your're gonna get; without using an additional system...

I didn't notice your third post till now... Use avast;; this is one of the best anti-virus systems available, and it is free, and it actively scans pretty much everything... However, no anti-virus system is fool proof, and there are techniques that can make it next to impossible for an A/V to pickup... The best way to make sure what you're downloading is safe; is to know where you're going, and what you're getting...

C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:14:04 AM »
See as I said, it won't test for exact succession lol. But it does test to see that the string is there... But just to make sure I'm not being egotistical; did you try both mine and yours?

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