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Messages - Spacebadger

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Re: Cracking WPA2 handshakes
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:34:28 AM »
I have a few method which you can do a read about

1. Reaver - brute attack but works most of the time and takes less than a day to go through all wps which is limited, depends on your connection (recommended!!!)

However depending on your service provider like mine has discovered the flaw and upgraded the firmware in most of their routers. :(

2. Evil twin method

3. Misassociation attack

4. hashcat gui - a whole lot faster than aircrack ng, depending on ur GC.

5. HSRP takeover

I did  a read about on getting wpa2 passwords , there has to be like 10 methods or so. I cant remember the other few.

Pages: [1]

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