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Messages - blazed

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General discussion / Re: What Inspired You?
« on: January 10, 2016, 03:49:15 PM »


Not really tho. I was definitely worse than my teachers in MANY things (reading, talking etc.)  But I could still fix things they couldn't on the computer due to what I learned at home. And sure I had no fucking clue on what I was doing. I mean I was 2 years old and I could not even spell my own name. But clicking the "Next" and "Yes I agree to the terms of usage" buttons is not so hard to do. As a 2 year old I just saw it as the same things dad did on the computer at home when he installed programs. The situation I'm talking about at the moment was when the teachers were gonna install a new game on the computer at the kindergarden, but they didn't succed. I asked them politely if I could try and I installed it succesfully. Now I did phrase myself wrong when I said I was better than them at computers, but I di have certain skills that made me perform and complete certain tasks that they could not do, and in my opinion that they should have completed quite easily due to their knowledge in comparison to my knowledge at that age.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: January 10, 2016, 03:37:48 PM »
Nope, not as far as I know even though I show traits of various illnesses. Even if I do, I couldn't be bothered to get tested because I can still function normally on a daily basis  ::)
Most people can "function normally" even with a diagnose. Personally I'm not functioning in any other way after I got my diagnose than I did before, but now I have a better understanding on why I maybe get headaches often than some other people. Why I am a complete wreck after being on a social event for X days while my friends are just tired due to sleeping to little.

And that I kind of like, I have a better understanding of who I am as a human. And I still "function normally". A diagnose is just a help to find out who you are, it does not say who you are. And that's a Big difference.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Found this very cool Pic
« on: January 10, 2016, 03:02:58 AM »
I kinda like it, could definitely have it as a sleep-place to avoid other people for a while, but after 2-3 days I would want an social interaction of some kind

Found it on the Webs / Re: Razer Blade Stealth
« on: January 10, 2016, 02:58:26 AM »
Hmm I kind of like this, but I still wonder at what price it will be and then decide if it would be worth (could not find any price)

I never understand the benefits of "cheating" in a game such as LoL. Maybe the reason for that is  because I never could really understand those type of games. I've always played FPS; walls and aimbot can be understandable and why it would be useful.(that why you have more fps cheats than lol cheats)
I cheat because I don't really feel commited to truly learn games sometimes.

I have been top 100 some times in different games I've played and made it many times to a better part of the world. So I know if I truly commit to a game, I will be good at it and not the "average player"

But the time it consumed for me to get to those rankings where I coulda done school work, searched for jobs or anything "truly" usefull. Was not worth it at all.
When I realised that more and more I eventually started cheating at games (league)  so I would not have to learn anything more than the "common sense" in the game. Such as where the enemys are when you don't have vision on them, when to "check behind you" and all of these stuffs that occur in most games, which takes time to learn.
I can focus on that while having good "mechanichs" and not learning both of these stuffs at same time.

If I were to start playing legitly now I would still be pretty good I think. I have to learn the mechanichs overall, but now I have the "brain" which is the true way of winning in every game

General discussion / Re: What Inspired You?
« on: December 24, 2015, 11:37:06 AM »
I have always enjoyed computers, and most likely will for the rest of my life. At the age of 2 I was better at computers than many of the teachers at kindergarden, and I've kept going into that direction...
What inspired me to get into the huge section of hacking was most likely something I read on the news about a huge hack done, I can't really remember as it was a long time ago. But something in that direction

I also have a huge desire to learn things, in pretty much every category. And well hacking could also be a stop on the way to achieve that "goal"

News and Announcements / Re: Merry christmas 2015!
« on: December 24, 2015, 11:24:19 AM »
Merry Christmas everybody!

General discussion / Re: "Speed-reading"
« on: October 17, 2015, 08:32:04 PM »
Yes, you can read fiction and novels like this, but when you actually want to learn something? Do you really think you are able to comprehend complex ideas by just going scanning the text? If so then, you wouldn't be here. It works on some level obv, mostly to find information. There is no need to read the whole book if you are looking specific information, therefore you scan it. Everything has its own place, don't buy this marketing crap people are trying to sell you.
Well, like rogue said there are ways to improve your memory (which I have  done) and there, I have seen succes.
But you are wrong when you say scanning

The course I'm looking at (which I ripped, so I didn't pay) contains basically 3 steps
1st Improve memory, else you will never be able to remember everything you read ;)
2nd Preread to gain motivation. 1 second prereading, where you catch up details, and ask yourself questions, why/how/when about these specific details. This will give you more motivation and therefore, more concentration when you eventually will completely "speed read" the whole thing
3rd Speedreading, remove the subvocalization and make use of the techniques you earlier learned

I will try my best to update this thread when I see some progress.
I have gotten better memory, when I use the techniques. However I'm having problem with using them on a daily basis which makes it hard to going onto the next step and eventually speed-reading

General discussion / Re: "Speed-reading"
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:28:35 PM »
I won't be dismissing the idea completely though, there are ways to learn to improve your memory, retention also techniques to be able to read and learn faster. At first I found a video tutorial course on a torrent site and I was a bit skeptical.

I went through the first few videos and learnt that some of what they said were actually true. In particular I remember the author of that course solved the problem of retention by visualizing things, and making it personal to you so that everytime you think about that particular thing you can correlate to something in your past or something you've seen before to help you remember better.

I know it's kind of hard to explain, but what he said was that your brain is just like the muscles in your body and needs training. It won't happen over night though, but slowly as you practice more and train harder you will eventually be a super learner and at the same time be able to retain 80% of what you read.

I haven't had the time to go through that course but hopefully will try it out in the next few days and give feedback whether it worked for me or not.

Also I wanted to give a link to that course on the torrent sites but for some reason wasn't able to find it, dunno if they took it down. But there are similar courses or books related to that which you can try and see if it works for you.
That's the course I'm using ;)
They want you to go through the course for 4-6 weeks to learn everything, but it's goddamn hard to make it into your daily life
I can upload it if that's requested however it may take a while due to my slow internet  :)
I got the whole updated course etc.

Memory doesn't seem to be the problem, but like x40a0e said, you might spend time trying to understand what they are saying. But then again, if you read the whole paper 3 times faster than any of the other, you can spend more time figuring that out ;)
So I suppose that speed-reading would be most usefull during theory tests, maybe like History but in like Math it will not help you anyway.

And regarding "saving time" I've done this all my life without even thinking about it, most people call me lazy that way but I'm happy I get some time over to work on something else than sitting 2hours on the same subject.
And with speed-reading I suppose you can learn so damn much, in much less time than normal. And since everything is on the internet nowadays I doubt there is a limit of how far you can go

General discussion / "Speed-reading"
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:04:35 AM »
I just wanted to hear your thoughts about speed reading?
For those who are not aware of what speed-reading is, it's as simple as the word ;)
You are basically fast at reading (800+ words per minute) instead of the average 200-250 words per minute
I'll include the Wiki for those who are lazy and want to look it up

Personally, I am really intrested in this, it would make it damn easier to learn stuff in life (some methods make it possible to have a comprehension of 80%) so it's not stuff you will forget after 5 minutes.
You will not waste 6 months learning something you are interested in, you can learn it damn faster, which personally I think is huge. As I spend alot of time at school, I would most likely get alot of spare time, doing the things I like to do if I were to learn this. And it would make a drastic change to my life, mostly positive I think

Do you guys just think it's bullshit or something that you would like to try out?
I have not gotten so deep into it saying that it has made a change yet but if it works I'll be glad I took time for it

Kulver made a thread about this a few years ago, but I'm not into that necro shit ;)

If someone wants the videos I'm looking at, I'll be glad to upload them

Elobuddy, Leaguesharp, Bot of Legends, Gaming on Steroids...

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: "Sniper Elite V3" mini-review
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:38:39 PM »
I can't really say I liked the game, played a couple of times to "waste time" but overall nothing special.

You could use wireshark to check incoming/outgoing connections
Also see your CPU usage

News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: September 23, 2015, 12:20:31 AM »
A good idea indeed, I hope this makes it possible for users to become more active on the forum, personally I'll do my best to stick to the topics I know and if I get stuck somewhere, I will ask for help :)

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:09:15 PM »
Got diagnosed with azperger earlier this year, wouldn't be surprised if I had adhd/add or something more aswell

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