Web Oriented Coding / Re: Javascript
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:03:08 PM »
Ok, so JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has very few if nothing in comon with JS (JavaScript), even though JS can be used to write JSON files.
JSON is a format for storing informations in complex trees. It's useful for object serialization and deserialization, that means turning object data into a JSON file, and vice versa. It is also widely used for general purpose information storing.
JSON is very popular, because:
- it is easy to read and write by humans
- it is easy to parse and generate by computers
JSON can be used as well in JavaScript as in C++, Java, Python and other languages.
How a JSON is created totally depends on the language you're using.
Useful link:
JSON is a format for storing informations in complex trees. It's useful for object serialization and deserialization, that means turning object data into a JSON file, and vice versa. It is also widely used for general purpose information storing.
JSON is very popular, because:
- it is easy to read and write by humans
- it is easy to parse and generate by computers
JSON can be used as well in JavaScript as in C++, Java, Python and other languages.
How a JSON is created totally depends on the language you're using.
Useful link: