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Messages - PhantomFartJokes

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Hacking Printer to Print only Black
« on: July 06, 2015, 05:38:14 PM »
I have an HP-T120 DesignJet printer, and it's built in such a way that, you can not change it's preferences to black-- this is an obvious ploy to persuade you into purchasing the superior printer they offer, which does allow you the option of only using the black cartridge while excluding CMY. The cost of replacing CMY cartridges when I don't use them at all, is rather too pricey and unpractical for me, or anyone else. I've looked all around and have found various methods used to bypass this corporate Wall Street... Wall, pun intended, however they have failed to help.

Wheres theres a "will" theres a way, so wether through hardware or software (or a little of both, as I suspect) I am determined to figure this out, as it would definitely save many people a lot of money who use this printer or others like it in a small business environment. I screen print, so I only print photo positives that require only black ink. And if you think I should call customer support, I don't want to hear your thoughts at all. Thanks Guys and Gals.

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