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Messages - Xj88

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Ideas on "What to do first"
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:17:39 AM »
After searching here, google, and messing around on my own I guess im confused as to what you all may suggest I start on first. I have a machine setup to dual boot windows 7 pro and backbox along with metasploit installed.

I started out by trying to crack local SSIDs that are using wpa2/psk with aircrack-ng and was unsuccesssful....

Perhaps you all can offer a better ideas as to where I should start...or what to "do first" to ease into things.

If it helps im interested in cracking passwords (much like I was attempting to with the WPA/WPA2 PSK crack), also interested in capturing data that goes over networks, etc...nothing really in particular...but I feel like I need better guidance as far as where to start.

thanks in advance for your help

General discussion / Re: Share your Rig
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:01:21 AM »
Lenovo T450s with the core i7 upgrade, 16gb of RAM, 250GB ssd, cool backlit keys, 12+ hour battery life, on a dock with some POS acer 21" monitors...


Pages: [1]

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