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Messages - horusffs

Pages: [1]

Yes, yes, yes and yes. I definetly try this one out. Ty for the post.
Good luck with it. If you need anything else just let me know.

I personally think that cheating is not funny but ok, everyone does whatever wants. Anyway, I play competitive and my rank is Global Elite.

Enviado do meu GT-I9301I através de Tapatalk

Mobile Hacking / Re: How safe are password managers?
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:45:28 PM »
Well, in my opinion they are all safe.
The only thing that they do is open the document where your passwords are stored. It's like a "hidden" file.
Have you ever tried to RAT someone on computer?

Enviado do meu GT-I9301I através de Tapatalk

Hello, to begin, people is giving you too much stuff you are going to end confused.

Here is the deal, some routers block you after trying many times the login page.
If you just want to kick people from the connection it's very simple.
I am pretty sure that you have an smartphone (android to be specific), it needs to be rooted aswell.
Get into google or xda-developers and download an app called Wi-Fi Kill, I already used this before anf it worked.

So I am going to hope that it works with you aswell.
Good luck and have a nice day.

Pages: [1]

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