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Messages - Unbr0ken

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: What keeps you up to date?
« on: December 25, 2011, 01:14:58 AM »
Some of these are spanish, someone might find them useful:

conexionionversa, chemaalonso, reversemode, owasp, xylit0l, invisig0th, ivanlef0u, 48bits, hackingexposed, vxheavens, kaepora, rogunix, 0xroot, aramosf, securityshell, anapnea, lulzsec, secbydefault.


And some more that I will post when I remember them :P <- Lammers.

.NET Framework / Re: How to develop my own .NET controls?
« on: December 23, 2011, 01:35:09 AM »
Create a list/select box and then when you select it the data get transfered to an textbox so you can edit it and the save it?

Hmm, not very aesthetic and/or orthodox. Thanks anyways, StackOverflow helped me. I've to study the GDI+ first.

General discussion / This... is pathetic.
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:49:25 AM »

.NET Framework / How to develop my own .NET controls?
« on: December 21, 2011, 06:37:07 AM »
I've been struggling for a long time with basic controls that Windows Forms offers to developers, but... right now, I am developing an application that requires more advanced control than normal "TextBox".

Since, at this time, my application is about memory management, I have to show in the form, the process memory in bytes (or other type of data) to the user, giving it the ability to modify it as he wants.

The problem comes here, because... if I show the data in a TextBox, it only allow me to display the data in read-only text because if I let the user modify the textbox directly, it will be very messy and unaesthetic.

I was reviewing some projects on SourceForge about C# and the handling of hexadecimal data, and i found a good project, called Be.HexEditor, which has a control developed and designed by its creators, but in GDI+.

The control is called HexBox, and that's just what I need to get.

Do any of you know how to develop a control like this?... I would greatly facilitate things. What kind of manuals/books should I read to learn this kind of development? I ask this because I ignore everything about GDI+.

Or... is there other way for do it?


.NET Framework / Re: WPF vs Windows Forms
« on: December 19, 2011, 11:21:30 PM »
C or C++ will do you well. Might be a bit harder than .NET GUI development tho :P My uncle swears to the Qt framework for C++, never used it personally tho. Might be something to look into.

I see, for now i'd rather the .NET IDE, is extremely nice and it applications looks almost perfect. With C++... hmmm, lot of work. The only bad thing i see in .NET is the .NET Framework requirement. So, i'd continue with C# & WPF.

Thanks for all ;)..

.NET Framework / Re: WPF vs Windows Forms
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:34:08 PM »
I would think WPF is slightly faster. But its .NET anyway, compared to other languages its kinda crap. And everything GUI got its limitations.

Well, thanks for the info, but I didn't ask you if .NET was crap or not.

On the other hand, what language do you think is best for developing applications with excellent GUI's and adequate performance? ... (Please, don't talk me about any Borland product)

.NET Framework / Re: WPF vs Windows Forms
« on: December 17, 2011, 08:00:17 PM »
If you have not. Read this: It pretty much sums it all up.

Wow, interesting thread, but it doesn't talk about the speed of each one, and that is what i'm looking for.

However tyvm...

.NET Framework / WPF vs Windows Forms
« on: December 16, 2011, 01:36:18 PM »
I've been reading about this, and... well, it seems that WPF wins.

After struggling with the Windows Forms controls and their cons, I decided to try it with WPF, but I don't know how great would be the difference of code.

Did you work with WPF?... Is it really faster than Windows Forms?, How much change/modify/affect the C# code?

So the real question is: Is WPF better than Windows Forms?


Pages: [1]

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