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Messages - dotszilla

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Networking / Re: does WIFI affect the Ethernet connection?
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:58:11 AM »
Sorry if I came across in a shitty way.

CSMA/CA is what you're referring to.

Most AP's you pick up today have a plethora of features to mitigate highly saturated cells (channels). Some of which are things like multiple radios or band select.

Your research is a link to reddit. Come on dude.

Plus, in your original post, it was something like one or two sentences with no real data.

Casting stones in glass houses is bad form duder.

nah its cool, what i said in the end wasn't directly aimed at you, i just be seeing that alot so i put it out there..
anyways yeah i dont know everything, im not saying youre wrong, i took my CCNA in 2006 and after a while i stopped keeping up, but when i was going for it i remember my instructor telling us this, it was one of the things that stuck, but its been almost 10 years so if they have something to prevent that now then i didnt know... that reddit link was just a quick find to show you what i was talking about.. and i know i wasnt clear enough on my previous post (it was a little confusing if you didnt know what i was referring to), thats why i went to modify and ended removing like a burn out lol.. 
im not casting stones anywhere, im not here to pick fights and argue over little stuff, im here to learn and help with w.e i can.. that's all

Found it on the Webs / MIRC v7.41 crack included
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:31:55 AM »
here's a cracked version of the latest MIRC, just posting in case someone needs it, since that register bullshit is annoying... anyways enjoy..


Networking / Re: does WIFI affect the Ethernet connection?
« on: July 16, 2015, 06:46:59 AM »
That is completely incorrect. Wirelessly connected devices are able to transmit and receive simultaneously. Where in the world did you come up with that?

i deleted my comment by accident but anyways, its called CONGESTION, i learned it when i was going for my CCNA while back.. heres some research for you:


Both wired and wireless networks can be subject to congestion (other people using the connection when you want to be using it) and interference (other wireless connections on the same frequency). But wired networks are only subject to congestion (at a signal level) among devices that are connected on the same wire. In most modern wired networks, there are only two devices on a wire, one on each end, and as long as they don't try to talk while the other is talking, they're fine.

Wireless connections have to deal with congestion among all the stations that are in range. A family of four, each with a laptop, tablet and phone on a WiFi network, would mean that there are twelve devices, only one of which can talk at any one time. In simple terms, you can imagine that each one would only get one twelfth of the transmission time (and therefore one twelfth the transfer rate). Cellphone networks have many more than twelve stations on one tower - they all have to share. (Though unlike a simple Wifi connection, cell towers use more than one frequency so that not as many phones have to share the time.)

anyways as i had said in my comment only one wireless device can talk(send data) at any time.. in case ya didnt read what he was trying to ""call me out"" for..

people instead of trying to flame others should come up with the research proving em other wise and try to teach the person that was wrong, we humans we all make mistakes, not try to make yourself look good by putting someone down(just saying), and im talking in general before anybody takes it personal.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Hacking Team hacked
« on: July 11, 2015, 03:08:51 PM »
Here is source on github, found it on reddit.

if you read the first page someone already linked it to the github, just fyi... thanks anyways

Hey everyone not sure if this has been asked if so sorry. I've been trying to figure out how to dual boot my laptop which has windows 8 with a Linux distro and have had no luck whats so ever. Any tips?

kinda hard to tell you without knowing the distro, but partioning can be as simple as choosing right option and pressing next to being a little bit of a headache.. either way if youre a quick learner theres like a shitload of tutorials out there... and if you get stuck somewhere and cant find your answer online, then post a elaborate question and we'll be more than happy to help...
    print 'just do what proxx said' #LOL i've read so much python today i been thinking in code!

General discussion / Re: Ideas on "What to do first"
« on: July 09, 2015, 09:12:20 AM »

This wouldn't hurt either:

i like that, very well written.. if only people would read that before posting a question, sadly most dont even take time to read the rules and stickies...  sorry for the non-related post, this question been answered many times anyways..

just wanted to note that, social engineering if done correctly can work pretty good with big corporations like that, of course OP cant call his manager since he'll reconize his voice but if the manager uses the computer to check emails or get someone else to call and get him to open a page on that computer to ""accept something of some kind, that sound legit"" lol, but yeah SEtoolkit is pretty good for things like that since you cant code your own stuff ... anyways this might not apply to this case but for the sake of the thread i thought i'd post it..
heres a cool link as an example:
Kevin Mitnick doing some live 1337 SE @ defcon

EDIT: heres a pretty cool kevin mitnick interview where he uses a usb stick to autorun a payload on the pc...
fast foward to 16:10 if you just want to see the hack..

Found it on the Webs / Re: Hacking Team hacked
« on: July 08, 2015, 12:14:49 AM »
did you guys see the flash 0day they put out which was on the torrent..
heres the links:

download link:

they only found 2 so far that was actually fairly interesting and useful.. which is pretty lame for the game they was talking about their 1337 program lol...

EDIT: heres a link for the win32 priv esc the other 0day exploit they found in there...

EDIT2: oh theres another one i didnt know they found which is not really a 0day per se but its a pretty good RCE exploit none the less

P.S i also would love to see them explain this part of the code from their 1337 program LOLOL..

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking Printer to Print only Black
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:29:11 PM »
i dont know much about printers to be honest, but wouldnt this be as simple as converting the picture to b/w in photoshop or w.e and then printing?.. i dont see why the printer would use the colors cartridge to print a b/w picture... but then again i dont really know shit about this, thats why i havent commented... just wondering..

Found it on the Webs / Re: Hacking Team hacked
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:00:53 PM »
The controversial Italian surveillance company Hacking Team, which sells spyware to governments all around the world, including agencies in Ethiopia, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, as well as the US Drug Enforcement Administration, appears to have been seriously hacked.

Hackers have made 500 GB of client files, contracts, financial documents, and internal emails, some as recent as 2015, publicly available for download.

Hacking Team’s spokesperson Eric Rabe did not immediately respond to Motherboard’s calls and email asking for verification that the hacked information is legitimate. Without confirmation from the company itself, it’s difficult to know what percentage of the files are real—however, based on the sheer size of the breach and the information in the files, the hack appears to be authentic.

Full story

yeah i was checking out their twitter yesterday... theyre showing a buncha pictures of their emails and stuff.. LOL, ill read the article when i get home though thanks

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Maximus - What would you do?
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:47:07 PM »
I'm sure there are a handful of services like this on the web, but i just found this one and it reminded me of this thread.

Try it with no proxy / tor and all your settings in "non-paranoid" configuration.. enable javascript etc (not  flash though, don't even install that garbage)  then try it using tor browser with noscript enabled etc in a live os etc...

Interesting just to see the possibilities and dangers of browser leaked data.

nice.. very cool site, im messing with it and using different settings right now, checking the results.. very interesting.. thanks

great tutorial bro +1.. keep em coming..

Tutorials / Re: Doxing
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:00:45 AM »
not bad... not really into doxing but theres some good info on there.. thanks

General discussion / Re: My new picture
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:50:25 PM »

Used Paint.Net. works just as well. But its opensource.

cool.. ill try it out later, thanks

General discussion / Re: My new picture
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:44:54 AM »
nice.. i gotta make me one, i havent messed with photoshop in a min though...

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