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Messages - hs1993

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / Re: pointers and 2d array
« on: February 08, 2016, 10:22:14 AM »
thanks ,, thats very help ful .. is there a way to make a pointer to (unknown size of 2d array) ?

i mean :

if i want to pass 2D array to a function .. and that function should work on all 2d arrays ... how is that possible .. i mean i dont know the array size at compilation time .. not after of course ..

im thinking of pointer to pointer .. not pointer to array .. but im actually new in both (classes) and (pointers) .. and i dont want to make mistake where i make (array of pointers) in that class which would take too much resources when the class is created ..

C - C++ / pointers and 2d array
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:19:28 PM »
hi .. im trying to understand pointers more :

int x[2][5] = {{5,8,9,10,11},{12,13,12,33,13}};
int (*p)[5] = x;


output :
4       40

so my first question :
int (*p)[5] = x; << is this array of pointers ?

if not why size of p is 4 only ?


Web Oriented Coding / call on change text function
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:43:08 PM »
hi, im trying to make instagram bot with vb6 and IE ocx

i can set value of the comment text .. and then submit the form .. but it just refresh the page
i believe this is the reason (after i read their js code) :

Code: [Select]
PostInfo__commentCreator",onSubmit:this.$PostInfo_handleCommentFormSubmit},this.props.commentSaveIsInFlight?null:y.createElement("input",{className:"-cx-PRIVATE-PostInfo__commentCreatorInput",disabled:this.props.commentSaveIsInFlight,onChange:this.$PostInfo_handleCommentChange,placeholder:t,type:"text",value:this.props.pendingComment}),this.props.commentSaveIsInFlight?y.createElement(E,null):null)},o.prototype.renderComments=function(){"use strict";var t=this.$PostInfo_getCommentsToDisplay();if(!this.props.caption&&0===t.length)return null;var e=t.length<this.props.commentsTotalCount,n=this.$PostInfo_isStackedVariant();return
i believe they do (onchange) function with text that wont work with me..

ofc i can make the bot by :

sendkeys "comment" & chr(13)

but it wont work if the window is minimized..

Pages: [1]

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