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Beginner's Corner / Re: How Do I Enter Data On a Compromised Website?
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:56:16 AM »
Thank you, i appreciate the help and advice. It seems i got some learning to do. Time to hit Google for some research.

Beginner's Corner / Re: How Do I Enter Data On a Compromised Website?
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:37:09 AM »
[size=0px]"P.S this is all for informative purposes, im in no way damaging or defacing anything.. all for the LULZ.. lol"[/size][/color]
[/size][size=0px]Same thing here! Im just learning about website vulnerabilities. [/size][size=0px]
[/size][size=0px] [/size][size=0px]
[/size][size=0px]For the looks of it you are really good a checking [/size][size=0px][/size][size=0px]vulnerabilities in websites.[/size]

[/size][size=0px]If you go to the site that i was successful in entering youll see what im talking about.[/size][size=0px]
[/size]this is what i get when im trying to inject[size=78%]

Beginner's Corner / Re: How Do I Enter Data On a Compromised Website?
« on: June 18, 2015, 03:53:50 AM »
Thanks for the help. I got couple of things to google.

I'm sure you've heard of Havij, i found this while looking for tutorials on SQL injections and hacking tutorials. This program is the shit but i feel like im not learning anything. Right now i got access to 3 websites of witch only 1 i was able to add my mark ( [/size][size=78%]and that was because i got the user/password tables and i got it from there. The other two, however, i get the tables but i cant get he info in them. I've been working on this for the past 5 days with different methods but im not that good. Im a super noob i guess but im learning quick and getting far. Check out the URLs and try your luck.[/size]


Beginner's Corner / How Do I Enter Data On a Compromised Website?
« on: June 12, 2015, 05:58:38 AM »
Hello everyone.

Im new to all this hacking business and im stil learning as i go. So far im skilled enough to do all Basic missions on and couple of the Realistic mission and that is not enough for what im trying to do. Im experimanting with SQL injection and i manage to get in to the website but when it comes to make any changes i cant make them. I used the regular Adminlogin.asp and use the common injection (' OR '1'='1) to gain access as an admin. All i can do is browse to the admin menu and look at almost everything but when i want to input some data (my signature) i can't. i just get some type of SQL error but everyone else seems to be able to make changes and add sig to the site. What are they doing hat im not? is it another injection?

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