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Messages - 3E8b12

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maybe is the quality of the image....... but seriously don't understand that the sense of the image is the glitch and not the BSOD?

I wouldn't trust anyone who calls a BSOD a graphics glitch
Have you seen at least the image?

Hardware / Graphic glitch? OS can't boot? Oven Trick without oven!
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:48:34 PM »
Hi all, last week my GPU gave me many problems, OS can't load and many graphic glitch:

You know the oven trick? To put the graphic card in the oven (without plastic components) preheated to 200° for 10-15minutes?
The card's tin will be restored.
But, my graphic card had welded components in plastic, so, how to fix?
No problem, have you a stripper? (not a girl)
I used this:

Ok, open the stripper and leave to heat, wait 5 seconds.
Then, tip the gpu (only the gpu):

heat it for 30 seconds, you should smell welding.
wait 10-12 minutes, let cool all.
Then, repeat the process behind:

(I heat it for 25 seconds to this step).
wait 40-45 minutes and change the thermal paste.
Waiting a few hours before testing.

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