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Messages - mhtsaras

Pages: [1]
Android / Mobile Bravia Engine for Xperia Play
« on: July 17, 2013, 10:45:47 AM »
Xperia play did't have Bravia Engine like other Xperias of that price range have so here it is
just download and install the apk and then open the program go to "tweaks" and press "Install Bravia Engine" then reboot and go to "settings" then "screen" and enable it

I did it and had no errors everything working fine

download link

Hardware / Intel graphics modded drivers
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:49:39 AM »

Only for windows users

What are modded drivers?
Well it's obvious they are the drivers of old graphics card and they are modded in ways that increase perfomanse.Some of them are stable and some of them aren't.Some drivers work good on specific games and some on other games you must try it out!!!

Will it destroy my graphics card?
Well if you are the most ulucky person in the world yes, but for others there is no problem,of course there are risks of crashing windows but i don't believe you will have problems

now first of all there is this site witch has drivers for intel gma 9xx and intel x3100
it is called 9xxSSF in order to download you must first create an account and then you can download from here

and for intel 4500 users you can get your modded drivers from here (no account needed)

I have only tried Sherry 1.3.1 and it worked perfect for my intel gma 945 but i had to upgrade to win 7 to use it......i believe there are some older versions for win xp but i don't have time to look right now

Hardware / Re: Having problems with my new build
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:40:31 AM »

I didn't know that thanks for correcting me

Hardware / Re: Need help choosing parts for a gaming desktop.
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:37:21 AM »
I hope you don't need monitor
all 813$ or 882$ with 7950

Staff note: all bbcode shit removed along with the text. Post properly or don't post at all.

Hardware / Re: Having problems with my new build
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:33:03 PM »
i agree with what Darkvision said and didn't ram need to be in slots 1,3 when there are four slots?Also some Hdds need you to load the driver first or else you encouter problems in installation(or something like that i can't recall exactly) try installing on different hdd since you have four of them and it hapenned to me once maybe the installation files are corrupted try downloading the windows image again and write it to dvd/usb whatever you prefer

Hardware / Re: TUT boost the clock of the old intel gma for latops
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:19:57 PM »
i have tried it myself it alongside with other things it did wonders

Hardware / Re: TUT boost the clock of the old intel gma for latops
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:13:22 PM »
Well thanks and it can boost youtube vids i had mine netbook pluged to an old 1280x800 monitor and along with speedbit accelerator and with my modded drivers i could see 720p i had a old hp compaq school netbook it could even play prince of persia warion within almost all set on and hq had an old atom comparing to anything new but my parents enjoy it now!!!

Android / Re: WPA2/WEP hacking from Android
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:34:15 PM »
I have found a nice program that works well but it is only for thomson routers if you want to take a look download the apk here

Hardware / TUT boost the clock of the old intel gma for latops
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:21:51 PM »
First of all i am neither the creator of these nor responsible for any damage done to your hardware
Why to do it?
there is a good boost in games and you can see by yourself, it is also very safe i used it for two hours gaming straight on my school netbook almost every two days.
If you combine it with tiny xp (i now old but that type of hardware is old too)and modded drivers (i will make a topic for them) you can boost your performance to another level (well, it did work for me but i cannot be sure for everybody)

There are two ways of doing this:
1) You can use this little command line tool made by Misiekantos
Norton takes it for virus. WORK ONLY ON GMA 945
to get it working first you must type: Misiekantos253
then you will get the following

Download Here

2) The other is a tool called GMA Booster it works on all versions.You select yours when you download(compability for Gma x3100 and x4500 coming soon)
Download Here just select your version and download it

Remember every time you reboot or return from standby you have to aply the clock again on both of them and if you choose the gma booster you must download a fresh copy every week or donate some money(any amount).
Happy to answer any questions

Pages: [1]

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