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Messages - Jacob Gandalf

Pages: [1]
  I know that this is a question but I want to know.

  I've looked but all of the websites I went to just give tips on how to speed up the proccess but I want know how long approximately will it be till my new website is indexed?

  My website has a sitemap but it's only been listed on Google Webmasters and I use Clicky to check it's stats. Here it is:

Can someone give me an estimation, please?

Creative Arts / Re: What's your favorite font?
« on: June 07, 2015, 08:04:34 PM »
     American Typewriter all the way baby!

Beginner's Corner / Should I Learn COBOL?
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:15:12 AM »

  Hi, I'm new here and I'm thinking what programming language I should start in? I know HTML and some Applescript on my Mac, but I want to start learning a new language.

  So, I'm thinking about learning COBOL but what do you think I should learn? Should I try COBOL or should I try one of the more traditional ones for beginners like Python or Ruby? Even, maybe try something like C or BASIC instead? Tell me what do you think I should learn?

Pages: [1]

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