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Messages - smartgeek

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / application of C++ in the finance world??
« on: July 10, 2015, 03:58:44 PM »
hi guys, im a fresh graduate from college(not majoring in CS) who is seeking for jobs
recently, i found a  job advertise by a high-frequency trading firm hiring c++ programmers
i just wanna how deeply i have to understand c++ to work in that field?
how do they apply programming to trading?
does anyone has any experience working in that field?

PS: im just taken one c++ course in college which taught c++ up to classes and objects, you may consider me as a programming newbie

Science / Re: physics
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:37:26 PM »
prof david griffiths has written some nice textbook for undergraduate physics such as introduction to quantum mechanics, introduction to electromagnetism and introduction to particle physics
the famous physicist richard feynman has also written some lecture notes on physics called feynman's lectures which may be found on caltech's website
also i have bunch of physics textbooks which u can download here:

PS: im a undergraduate physics student

Pages: [1]

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