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Messages - anonwannabe1452

Pages: [1]
Mozilla firefox....

And seriously, *

Yep, sarcasm is really going to help me, thanks! And I made a mistake...

there are many  softwares & scripts available on the INTERNET
just google it or read some blogs

i think your should download havij

but tools will not help you in learning u will become lazy
try to learn manual injections
& you can start with SQL injection & XSS are common vul.

& about password cracking , firstly they are of 2 types online & offline
for online password cracking there are many tools for bruteforce
& for offline cracking you can use hashcat or JTR
Cheers! Yes tools will make me lazy I understand, but I'm sure there are tools which you cannot avoid using. But seriously that's really helpful! I'm getting pretty familiar with SQL injections and bruteforce cracking, however there's a lot for me to improve on. Have a nice day.

Beginner's Corner / Suggested Software for Beginner Website Hacking
« on: June 01, 2015, 04:38:18 PM »
Yes my terminology may be incorrect and I probably sound like a skid, which I am... That's beside the point, I'd appreciate it if anyone can tell me some must have softwares for website manipulation and password cracking.

I have been hard at work on, doing the basic and realistic challenges and learning lots of new things... I have John The Ripper and Cain installed for decryption purposes, however I do not know if these programs are useful in the real world.

I understand that I could just Google this. I promise it's not just me being lazy; I feel as though every Google link with the word "hacking" in it is a click-bait.

Thank you for your time.

-just anonther wannabe

Pages: [1]

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