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Messages - robbit

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Recording changing voice with on and off
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:00:28 AM »
try recording your voice and manipulate it with any DAW (i.e. logic pro, fl studio, ableton, etc...) to see if you can reach a satisfying result. then write a program that does the same thing, without the need of the daw.
or maybe you could try opening your app store and search for "voice changer"? maybe...?

Operating System / Re: OS X ?
« on: June 08, 2015, 03:19:25 PM »
i currently use a hackintosh with Mavericks as my everyday OS, have a macbook air from which i'm writing now, had an iphone 3g and use an iphone 5. i tried a lot of OSes, and in my opinion OSX is the best if you want everything set up and perfectly running at the first startup. I stuck with debian in the past years, i tried ubuntu, slackware (too much for me), and other ones, not to say windows, but i always hated that if you want something like linking a bluetooth headset or install a specific software or anything that goes beyond using the browser and listening to music, you have to lose an hour configuring packages or config files or install dependences or get around that bug or things like that.
in OSX everything works, you don't have to make them work, things work, and pretty well.
sure, you may say that apple products are overpriced, and maybe some of them really are, but when you buy an apple product you don't just pay for the hardware assembled together, you also pay the the care with which it's designed and assembled, the design itself, the materials (they're pretty important for a notebook or smartphone), and the brand... and sincerely, my macbook is super fast and performant, more than i thought, and i never had a crash or bug.
obviously any linux os is a lot more configurable and you can do many more things with it, but for the everyday use of the average user, apple system with its stability and ease of use, plus the wide range of good and stable software made for osx, it's the right choice.
that's my experience and opinion.

ps: macbooks smell good when they're unboxed :P

Operating System / Backbox update wallpaper script
« on: June 07, 2015, 10:32:47 PM »
I'm using Backbox as main linux distro, but i hate that when i change the wallpaper, the login and splash screen background remains the same. So i made this script, in case that someone hates this too.

(tipe your username where specified)
Code: [Select]

#get the file where i can find wallpaper's path
xfceFile=$(find /home/*PUT HERE YOUR USERNAME*/.config/ -name "xfce4-desktop.xml")

#get the right full wallpaper path from that file
wallpaper=$(grep -m 1 "image-path" $xfceFile | sed -n -e 's/.*value="//; s_"/>__p')
ext=$(echo $wallpaper | sed -n -e 's_.*\.__p')

#check if the wallpaper is already set or has to be updated
cmp -s $wallpaper /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png
#here i check the exit status of cmp command to see the result of the comparison
if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then #same file, no need to update
    exit 0

#make a backup of the standard wallpaper
test -e /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png.bak && echo "" || cp /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png.bak

#remove the old one and put the current wall
rm /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png
if [ "$ext" != "png" ]; then #if it's not a png file, convert it to png
    convert $wallpaper $wallpaper.png
cp $wallpaper /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png
rm $wallpaper 2>/dev/null #remove the temp png file if present (no output text)
update-initramfs -u

exit 0

I put it as shutdown and restart service. To do that just save it without extension, "chmod 755" it, put it in /etc/init.d, and then symlink it (ln -s *file* *destination*) to /etc/rc0.d/K90*filename* and /etc/rc6.d/K90*filename*. rc0 is for shutdown and rc6 for restart. K90 stands for KILL (it runs when closing the session) at 90 priority (pretty low priority).
Or you can make it start whenever the wallpaper is changed, as a thunar custom action...

Anyway... Did it for fun, more than other  ::)

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: May 29, 2015, 03:07:44 AM »
Opeth - Burden
Shpongle - Tales of the inexpressable (album)
for when i'm high (never found anything more adequate)  8)

Pages: [1]

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