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Messages - JohnDoe42

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Who upgraded to Windows 10?
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:01:06 PM »
I heard that win 10 sends your data back to Microsoft. Maybe that is why it is a free upgrade. Either way, not getting win 10.
That was true for technical prewiew which logged everything but thats what technical previews are for. Not saying that isnt happening thought :P

Beginner's Corner / Re: ADVICE REQUIRED: Leeked Documents and the Law
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:33:59 PM »
So you just read leaked documents that were published in deep web ? Dont worry you are fine otherwise everyone that ever read some document from Wikileaks would be in trouble.

Pages: [1]

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