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Messages - Python

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I'm not into doing anything illegal since I'm scared of jail and/or getting a huge fine but I think the easiest way (probably not the nicest) is to hack someones wifi (which is easy) and then do whatever you want to do through that IP.  When you hacking the wifi just change your MAC and I don't know of any way they'd be able to trace you.  In combination with that use a proxy as well.  Public access terminals are another choice but a lot more risky (there are cameras in kinkos :P )!

1. change MAC
2. hack wifi (or use an open one)
3. use proxy
4. spread love across the land

To hack a wifi access point and use it you will have to be reasonably close. You can't just sit outside a house with a laptop or people will get suspicious. You would have to sit in your car/van. All it would then take is a shot of your registration plate on a cctv camera and they could trace it back to you. Not to mention if your sitting outside someone's house for a reasonable length of time people living close by may become suspicious and call law enforcement, you could find yourself busted before you're even finished.
Of course the authorities would only look into it that much if you committed a high profile attack.

Scripting Languages / Re: Coding Help
« on: April 02, 2012, 04:47:50 PM »
Code: [Select]
i = 0
for i in numbers:
    if equal to 412 break
    print i

also tried:

Code: [Select]
for i in numbers:
    if i == 412 break
    print numbers

Ok, the first example above is pseudo code. By looking at the second example above, it would appear that you have realized this. Though you don't seem to be applying what you have previously learned to this example. Every other time you have written 'if x == y' what have you done? It isn't what you done in that attempt. Have a look at the example below and see what is different.
Code: [Select]
i = 99
if i == 99:
    print 'The value is 99'
Hint, look at the indentation

I suggest you go over what you have already covered, you don't seem to have a good grasp of basic python syntax yet.

Java / Re: Question about java
« on: February 08, 2012, 10:47:43 PM »
It was originally developed to be used in household appliances, for example, as you mentioned microwaves, even things like toasters. It can be used on tons of different hardware variants, just as long as the java virtual machine can be installed.

General discussion / Re: 10 reasons not to buy an iPhone
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:11:03 PM »
That is all.

Scripting Languages / Re: [Python] Questions
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:07:13 PM »
Python in itself isn't going to help you become a better hacker. Rather it's going to aid you with what you already know. By that I mean; knowing python isn't going to directly help you hack anything, it will however aid you as you can write scripts to automate processes which may otherwise take time.

To be a good 'hacker' you have to understand the systems and how they work. Read books on network/web application security and exploitation and then apply python to that. Just make sure that the ebooks are good and actually explain what and how everything (source code examples are always good). And also read up more on python before attempting to write any exploit scripts. If you aren't sure about which modules you would use then you have learned enough.

Pages: [1]

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