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Messages - Cz

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Beginner's Corner / i.p. from landline number?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:31:59 AM »
if I have a landline at my house. and I have internet at my house. same provider. can someone obtain my or my routers ip address from my telephone number somehow?  would it matter if my service provider did things with VOIP?

Once again, im not sure how to explain what i mean, but i imagine you guys can decrypt my noob speak.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Smartphone that supports monitor mode?
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:19:10 PM »
This is a lot of help, thank all you guys. especially deep copy and white knight.

So youre saying i either need to code my own to work with my wifi card or I need to get that nexus, put the pwnie image on it, an otg cable, and fuck that alpha card i'll get one of those tiny ones white knight linked to. lol.

"Whats that?"
"Oh its a portable charger, man, dont worry about it." lol

look, either way, ill be cracking stuff by 2016 i promise that.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Smartphone that supports monitor mode?
« on: May 25, 2015, 08:35:16 PM »

He's actually made a lot of progress since I last looked into this. With a galaxy s2 you should be able to use his guides on building a kernel for use with a usb otg and usb WiFi card that does support monitor mode. I personally like ath9k, but meh that's a preference

And nothing will ever be like watchdogs btw

I have an Alpha card from when i used to do it from a laptop. its a power hog, and kind of defeats the being stealthy thing, but id be willing to screw with it if you guys think it could work.

And I know but that's how i have to explain to normal people what I'm doing. lol

Mobile Hacking / Smartphone that supports monitor mode?
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:38:26 PM »
Me a few months ago:
"Kali for ARM processor?!?! I wanna be like watchdogs!!!"
*installs  Kali w/ top 10 tools*
*installs VNC and all extra tools*
"Alright time for a field test... ill just crack a wif password..."
*Epic fail*

Apparently, the wifi my phone is quite lame and it doesn't support monitor mode...
Galaxy s2. so its pretty old. you think the next time i upgrade it'll work or should i be looking for a certain device?

Hacking and Security / Re: Watching a network from a cable box?
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:07:14 PM »
(cable internet even if that was a valid answer shouldn't transmit display data),

But that was my main problem with this whole thing. I mean, I'm not an idiot, but I'm not too deep into anything. So for instance, to my knowledge, the only way he would be able see that is like to SSH into it or something of that nature. Also i noticed he said "if you have one of these you can do some Really fun things" right before he showed the admin P.C., and t was a keyboard, so, i dont know, he mightve had something more than a cable box plugged into it for that.

Or... I dont know. I dont have the knowledge of how this information is being handled from the other person's side. Because lets say for example, he saw a Nintendo game loading, right? So someone has a game plugged into a television (Probably just regular A/V) and then that image data gets put through the tv, and... into the network? back through a coax cable that has nothing to do with it's path? or is he kind of "pinging" the cable and asking it for an image?

Hacking and Security / Watching a network from a cable box?
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:32:55 PM »
I was watching an old DefCon talk titled "No-Tech Hacking" and this guy was talking about taking the coax cable out of the back of his TV in his hotel and jacking it into a cable box and then outputting that back into his TV and then he starts switching through other people's sets on the network. People playing videos games, watching porn, even the hotel admin's PC...

Can someone Please elaborate on this for me and explain in more detail how this works? I mean I understand there's a whole network going through that cable but to just shove that cord into the cable box and go switching through other people's feeds sounds way too easy.

I don't know how you guys feel about hotlinks, so ill just leave it safe down there if you want to watch it.
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