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Messages - iiCE

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.NET Framework / [VB] Get Screenshot
« on: June 21, 2015, 01:58:01 AM »
Simple Screenshot application.

Code: [Select]
Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Dim Img As New Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height)
        Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Img)
        g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, Img.Size)



    End Sub
End Class

Enjoy :-P

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: June 21, 2015, 12:58:04 AM »
Nervous illness. I've been through a lot of stress for quite a long time which gave awful results. I easily get irritated and anxious from minor things.

If i smoke weed, I get panic attacks and feel like I am going to die, so I had to quit.
Drinking coffee also makes me nervous and anxious, had to quit that too.
Hangovers also make me anxious.

Some time ago I listened to Claire Weekes' tapes ( and At Last a Life by Paul David (
They sure helped but did not manage to cure me completely.

Anxiety and panic attacks used to be with me pretty much 24/7 until i read those helpful books and tapes. Fortunately, now it is only being caused by the things mentioned above.

I just know it's a mental problem. If you get yourself occupied, distracted and not think about it, the anxiety goes away.

Read my reply in the topic.
I had same shit also, it evolved too untill I said it's enough.
Break away from your confort zone asap, talk to girls, dare yourself to do "crazy" things. Trust me on this :) Either go crazy or learn to deal with ur illness. What is better? :P

Looks darn sexy. What does it do. Does it have an software equivalent?
Could you clarify it to us a bit more, since we are complete noobs? :P

.NET Framework / Re: [C#] LocateIP 0.2
« on: May 23, 2015, 05:35:09 PM »
Why do you keep looking at the design? It's programming, design is just and finishing touch - or in my case not really important. Does the program work? Yes? He shared the code? Yes? Than I'd be thankful for it's time. Also why not spend a few extra minutes on the interface if you really enjoy what you do. This is a programming niche not a designer one.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:37:29 AM »
I too have some fucked up mental issues in my brain. Or I think so.

I had problems before with anxiety, schizophrenia and delusions. It all started with weed. Now, 5-6 years later I'm all good. I just had to live trough it all by myself. In one long period I had a girl and I could talk to her bout it, but she could not understand nor could I explain myself properly. That's the issue here, people will just label you mad, nuts or stuff. But that doesn't need to be a bad thing. You can think of it as a big obstacle you need to overcome. Maybe you have some superpowers? I think that you can only be sane if you realize that you have some issues. It's like your brain realizes that it has issues therefore it's rational? Logic?
You just need to be confident and have a great will power and say is my mental illness aka problem going to ruin me another moment? Is it going to ruin me another day? Am I going to be a slave to my problem till the rest of my life? Scream fuck the world, no, I am bigger and stronger that that. I will overcome my problems. I am aware that I have a problem, therefore I will explore it. I will hack my problem. I will see the patterns of my problem and I will cut the little fucker on the roots. And yes, that's what I did. And today I enjoy life in most of my situations, sometimes battling with depression or just laziness. Who knows, I know that I beated that social anxiety, paranoia and reality delusions. "Mind playin' tricks on me"
Still today I have some problems but it's a minor issue. I hacked 95% of my problem and I'm not afraid to say it. Yes I am a lunatic. I am a mad man. It's just my thing. It's my way of living and I'd wish I had more courage or balls to show my craziness to the world. In a positive way of course. As far as I know I'm glad that I had these 'problems' because they made me into the person I am.

Fellas, friends. I know that my stuff is like a tiny ant to someone's elephant but I think that nothing is impossible or everything is possible - you just need the proper mindset and realization to overcome your fears, problems... Nobody is going to help you, only you can help yourself. You're all alone in your mind. People are here and there for other stuff, like empathy, listening, caring and stuff. But only you can help yourself.

And one more thing, I hate when someone says I'm diagnosed with xyz. It's just another label that you save into your memory and every time you think oh I have this and that It's okay to feel this way. It's another labeling. Labeling your mind, putting your thoughts in prison. I'm not saying that It can't help but I'd say it battle it yourself before accepting defeat and going to see professional help. Not saying it's a bad thing but just my attitude is that you can fix things yourself. Aren't we hackers? Than hack yourself!

General discussion / Re: Exactly what is hacking?
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:38:11 AM »
Hacking is a mindset.
You can hack everything with the proper mindset. You can hack even your thoughts if you truly believe so. I'd say it's when you learn every detail about something and then using that knowledge to create something new or improved. I can type these words just to type them or I can type them with the proper attitude and knowing that 'exploit' or 'rule' I know how to modify, use or break it. Simple as that. Now you can use that mindset on every thing in your life. Not satisfied with your body? Hack it! Not satisfied with your social skills? Hack them!

Hack to learn, don't learn to hack.
Exactly. If you want to hack someones system or website, don't do it for the hacking itself. Do it for the sake of learning new things, and learning how those things operate. The journey is more important than the destination.

So, what exactly is hacking? I'd say hacking is a lifestyle, a mindset. To overcome every problem e.g. nothing is impossible.

When it comes to these terms, hacking and computers than hacking is an art. You can't be a hacker if you want to just ruin someones system or break in it. If you want to be a hacker you need to know exactly what you're doing, how you're going to do it and the most important thing - why you're doing it in the first place.

Here are a few articles that I'd put into 'introducing' zone. Enjoy learning new things!

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