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Messages - x0nic

Pages: [1] 2 3
10/10 would bang

Hardware / Re: Is Alfa AWUS036NHA + Yagi 25dbi a good choice?
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:53:08 AM »
Ok, what powerful cards do you suggest?
Some more experienced wardriver might correct the suggestion, but I found the Realtek RTL8187L chip of my old AWUS036H to be quite convenient. If I remember correctly, I attached a 9dBi antenna to it - only for randomly screwing around, nothing special/serious. However, it served the purpose very well  :D

But since I don't know much about atheros hardware, I couldn't even tell if the 87L would be an up- or downgrade for you. Please note that I am no expert in the field :x

General discussion / Re: security cameras
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:00:40 AM »
dafuq did I just read?
Could you rephrase the whole fucking post, please? Maybe in some way that ppl are actually able to help you.

forgot the name of the program
Fix this one first. We are prohibited from using our divination magic on muggle problems, sry sir

General discussion / Re: Motivation Talk
« on: June 14, 2015, 03:55:50 AM »
Pick a certain topic that attracts you the most and google the fuck out of it. There are tons of eBooks waiting for you, so just grab one and start reading! (-> <-)
Besides, make sure to check out the tut section of this forum, some threads will surely leap to your eye and give you ideas of all dem fancy possibilities
When it comes to coding, take some general-purpose + beginner-friendly programming language and then rape google with it (although I'd suggest C++ or Python, you might want to generally avoid the common "omg-which-language-first" hysteria. Don't ponder too much, just pick one and start); plenty of great tutorials are right outta there, you absolutely can't miss em. Afterwards, read foreign code of works you'd love to call your own (but better don't actually do that), analyze em line-by-line(again: giyf!), and don't even dare to compile shit until you didn't get the whole point of each single statement. Go on like that until your brain finally produces something useful.

Summarized, I guess it is all about two simple core abilities:
Being able to 1. use search engines properly
and 2. entertain yourself without using your glans
Like that, shit keeps rolling on its own like nothing

Here's a little help on step one:

General discussion / Re: Mr Robot
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:40:46 PM »
the forces he believes are running (and ruining) the world.
lol jews

Beginner's Corner / Re: Starting programming?
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:30:20 PM »
well spoken, but
spend days learning how to solve it
tends to be my definite understanding of NOT being lazy.
It's all a matter of view points, I guess. Some ppl say "it's not 'work', if you enjoy shit", but I'd disagree to that. Solving problems actually IS work, it's a whole shitload of; and true senses of pleasure mostly approach afterwards, i.e. after succeeding. But the solving process itself usually requires quite decent abilities of the "argh, shit drives me insane, but I'll never surrender for fucking reposes sake" kind. You know.

General discussion / Re: App Suite
« on: June 09, 2015, 05:05:18 PM »
your "problem"? A 12% size increase is quite decent for such a process, imho. And besides, what are 9MB regarding current storage capacities? I somehow misunderstood stuff

However, afaik, there is - technically - no (easy) way to convert such apps without enlarging files. This is due to the different environment (e.g. operating system) you port the binaries to. They need specific information (naturally provided by the original system, but missing on the portable one) to be added to the app's internal data; otherwise you wouldn't be able to run them on the mobile device.

C - C++ / Re: HTTP Injector for Windows
« on: June 09, 2015, 03:19:19 AM »
Any ideas how I can make use of it?
I consider any ideas, joint development or even sources sale
The source of a simple packet processing lib which is so incredible useless that even its creator needs help to find a reasonable purpose for it? Take all my money.

Dude, this is the programming subforum of a hacking community. Show your code or gtfo

High Quality Tutorials / Re: What is hacking
« on: June 09, 2015, 01:36:29 AM »
but thats like calling the a racecar driver who crashes the best ever.
And what if this particular driver crashed in his 21st world championship race, after winning it 20 times in a row?

Other / Core War, anyone?
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:30:25 PM »
Quote from: wikipedia

Core War
is a programming game created by D. G. Jones and A. K. Dewdney in which two or more battle programs (called "warriors") compete for control of a virtual computer. These battle programs are written in an abstract assembly language called Redcode. At the beginning of a game, each battle program is loaded into memory at a random location, after which each program executes one instruction in turn. The object of the game is to cause the processes of opposing programs to terminate (which happens if they execute an invalid instruction), leaving the victorious program in sole possession of the machine.
full article:
You may find interesting that the game's direct predecessor, 'Darwin', was written "around 1966 [by] Robert Morris, Sr., the future National Security Agency (NSA) chief scientist." (quoting "The art of virus research and defense" by Peter Szor, chapter 1.1.4)

Sounds pretty amazing, imo. Is anyone of you into this?

I discovered core war's existence only a few days ago, and therefore couldn't check it out by myself yet. But I will, since it might be some epic chess-like shit with the possibilty of programming your own game tokens. (Insert evil laughter here)

General discussion / Re: Look what I finally got!
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:03:51 PM »
I'm more concerned over the several cats under the stairs :/ i see at least 4, possibly more. Have any of you thought kulver is so skinny because all his money goes to feeding those cats and kitty litter?
lolwat. Keep your hands off the internet while on drugs, mate. This one was funny thou, but a stoned brain on e.g. facebook might cause serious trouble. Speakin from experience  :-[ dem broken friendships, rofl

Beginner's Corner / Re: Starting programming?
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:50:59 PM »
1) Stop being lazy.
2) Write code.
3) Write more code.
4) Go back and look at the awful code you wrote in step 2. Unfuck it. Make it faster. Make it use less memory. Make it more secure. If it's a script, make it OOP. If it's OOP, try to make it procedural.
5) Repeat.

If you're stuck on the bullshit tutorials, pick something you're interested in and write a program that involves that subject. Make a system to catalog your music/movie/porn collection. Write a browser plugin that downloads YouTube videos, whatever. If you find yourself doing the same repetitive task, figure out how to automate it. It doesn't really matter what you write, just write code.

As a corollary to that last statement, try googling "best way to <do something> in <language>". Look at the options, and don't settle for the first half-assed answer you see. While that's fine for prototyping or getting your feet wet, there are often lots of problems with the basic examples. Find a faster, better, more secure way of doing it. Then, test that shit and find what breaks, and fix it. Supply invalid input. Break things, fix them, then learn how to prevent them from breaking again.

The answers are out there - you may have to search for specific answers, but you can pretty much write any program in any language by searching StackOverflow and the likes. Just google it.

"how to save to a file in <language>"
"how to parse HTML in <language>"

Learning a computer language is just like learning any other language. You can sit in class, read about it, and wish you were fluent all day long, but until you get out there and start using it, you'll never know shit.
Decent as fuck. Beware, I'll pitch that cookie hard

This is a 1 bit ripple carry full adder using pure NAND gates, constructed with transistors.
I have excluded resistors and power rails for simplicity.


I am going to create a digital logic series of tutorials.
starting to love you

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: May 29, 2015, 03:48:31 PM »
Tool - 10000 Days album ->
over and over

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: The Art of Anonymity
« on: May 29, 2015, 03:05:25 PM »
That there... That is why the human race is fucked.
That there.... That is why the human race has a slight chance of at least not being fucked as a whole.
Think positive! xP

Being anonymous only means you have something to hide.
If you really got nothing to hide (from whoever), you seriously are some boring fuck of a human being, lol.
Besides, you neither seem to understand the most simple and general ethical objections against broad surveillance, nor any other basic human right on privacy of the individual. So why don't you just fuck off and stop advertising your bullshit here?

Pages: [1] 2 3

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