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Messages - youngbuck

Pages: [1]
Hardware / Re: Miniature file/backup server at home?
« on: May 23, 2015, 03:57:08 AM »
Nice box, but do you really need such a powerful NAS? what will you use it for?
In my case, the size and power consumption is what pushed me towards an RPI, also the cost :P

You never know what tomorrow brings! I might do something crazy with it. Lol. I plan on getting the Raspberry Pi and making a cheap smart TV but we will see how that goes when the time comes. Not sure how I'm going to figure out the inputs but we will see. I might just make it a dedicated streamer and not worry about the inputs.

Hardware / Re: Miniature file/backup server at home?
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:31:03 AM »
Glad to see the Raspberry Pi is working out good. I was originally thinking about buying one for a streaming box but I figured I needed more power for other tasks but a NAS was just too powerful/expensive for what I needed. I might still buy a Pi for another project but we will see. I decided to turn to the 25 watt AMD 5350, it only supports single channel memory which is a downside but at 150 for roughly all components so not bad. Of course it is AMD technology rather then the ARM, so more compatibility at this time.. It's rated a 2600 on the benchmark scale which isn't great but not terrible. I am going to update to a 5TB hopefully soon for more storage.

Here's what it looks like...

I will say that is has absolutely terrible cable and can be loud at times, next time I am going for the full jet airplane sounding Intel Xeon E5-2680 v2. It is a good bang for your buck however and has proven reliable..

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