« on: May 29, 2015, 07:27:39 PM »
I have this problem trying to understand a basic idea of how a microprocessor works. I tried reading some architecture books and they were really dense maybe someone can recommend a good one, especially that addresses this question I have. So I started from an electronics perspective trying to understand how each individual process is executed. THinking in terms of assembly commands, (say you have amd_64 and for simplicity one cpu) say you have "mov ecx, 1" along with a list of 20 other commands. Is there only one set of registers in that entire cpu to execute each command?
I know there are other parts of the cpu, but for something that is highlighted as a central part of how a computer works (every book I read says assembly-like behavior is the core of every language, especially C) this seems hard to understand. So I should understand that large programs are run (in gHZ cycles) by executing countless numbers of assembly-like commands in an environment with a small number of registers?
I apologize if this is badly worded but please recommend me to a book or website you think is appropriate.