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Messages - shadow125

Pages: [1]
So all the tutorials I come across show how to use metasploit to create an .apk file to open a connection beween the infected phone and the attacker machine and it works, but let's say the phone is inside the same network and my machine, is there any way to gain access to this phone without social engineering? Like scanning for vulnerabilities and exploiting?

Hacking and Security / Re: Help cracking packet encryption
« on: September 19, 2015, 01:36:30 AM »
yeah but I'm not interested in the wi-fi key, I want the files that were transfered over the network
all the tutorials i see are about cracking the key, but I don't know how to extract the files

Hacking and Security / Help cracking packet encryption
« on: September 19, 2015, 12:27:38 AM »
Ok so I have this .pcap file with wifi packets that are encrypted, I'm pretty sure they contain an username and password I'm looking for and as far as I know it seems to be encrypted with the old wep standard, but I have no idea what softwares to use. Will aircrack do the job?
I'm reading more about the 802.11 protocol and I have Kali Linux installed, any help is appreciated.

A sopisticated malware ? Really? Sounds more like marketting to me.

Hacking and Security / is session hijacking still possible nowadays?
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:13:04 AM »
I was watching some pentesting courses  I've downloaded and one of them talked about session hijacking, but the course is from 3 years ago and now https is standard. So I was wondering, is session hijacking still possible in any way? Or does it work with http only?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Starting programming?
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:22:20 AM »
search on the internet for programming exercises, so you can practice and sharpen your skills. I also highly recommend joining a programming forum, like

K, got it.

Ok this may not be the right place but, how do I earn these forum cookies?

General discussion / Re: Question on Linux books
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:59:04 PM »
I have read that book How linux works ,  and I highly recommend it. If you are a beginner there are some complex stuff you may leave aside for later, but the essential is there. Now I am aiming to obtain the LPI certificate ( linux professional institute), and I'm currently reading LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Study Guide (pdf on attachment), and let me say, this is the right book for a beginner to start learning. You may not want the LPI certificate, but it is still very good material, just remember to practice.

Yeah, you are all right. Some call me a hacker simply for knowing how to change the wifi password, and this is not even close to hacking. I don't cosider myself one, but I always read stuff to improve my knowledge. I'm just sick of people using the term 'hacking' for anything stupid. I do better ignore them.

Man something that pisses me off are those freaking idiots who call themselves hackers for nothing, like knowing a few keyboard shortcuts. One example:
Anyway, what do you think about these noobs?

Mobile Hacking / Is Android patched against DOS attacks?
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:37:18 AM »
wazap folks
I've been reading some articles lately about smartphone pentesting, but in one of them i saw an example of flooding against android 1.6 and 2.2, but then i decided to reproduce this with my phone (running android 4.1.2), but no success. I tried using hping3 and tor's hammer ([size=78%][/size]), but it seems that my phone is dropping all the packets. Maybe it happens because this flaw was already patched? What do you guys think? Could I be missing something about the program usage ?

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