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Messages - Muadib

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: The Art of Anonymity
« on: June 10, 2015, 02:44:23 PM »
Years later, still picking up views........
It got me started and i'm off to the races..... ;D

Scripting Languages / Re: BASH .onion html cat
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:01:39 AM »

I always like "Gadgety" scripts. having issue with replicating the same but am having an issue with getting it to pull from two sites and parse some other variables....?
Could I post and maybe someone can throw me a hint?

Brilliant, took it through I'll definetly keep as a "quick read-resource"!

Networking / Re: Cisco Networking Question
« on: May 24, 2015, 04:35:07 PM »

I believe it depends on a couple of things.
Take into consideration:

1) What is your current knowledge base?
2) What is your time table/ what is your "WHY"?
3)How will you pursue i.e., self study, boot camp, college (community or technical)

Take all of these into account.

If you are on a deadline to get the cert for a job and you are already working hands on...

Skip 'GO' and go straight to CCNA!

Otherwise, if you spread it out you will become very profecient at fundamentals; that I've realized is great to know but is for more or less automated.

For example the CCENT is big on subnetting, vlsm and memorizing switch and router configurations.
Subnetting onsite more or less is done with a calculator or an app for your smartphone (Great study tool by the way if you need to sharpen your subnetting skills).
These same configurations can pretty much be knocked out with a script or copy paste.

In summary, if you can clearly visualize and trace your career path in getting either of them....

START now and thank your self in a couple years!!!!

Pages: [1]

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