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Messages - MikiSoft

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Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: February 28, 2016, 06:44:00 PM »

Projects and Discussion / UniBot to go open-source?
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:39:16 PM »
Recently I've thought about releasing UniBot source code into the public, in a hope that some good developer(s) would continue the path, which I'm trying to leave in order to accomplish new things that are in my plan. It's been just over a year ago since I started working on the project, so it's time to move on.
The one of the main reasons why I've decided to do such radical move is that I see no interested VB6 coders which would expand UniBot via its plugin system. On the other side, I can say that I'm so far satisfied with bunch of configs which a few users (brave, I guess) decided to make and did that, and which have reached to about 500 people that registered on the support forum and even came from the others.
So my question is - will there ever be some good guys which are willing to take the job and continue to develop the tool, or even port it to the other platform i.e. programming language (for example to work on Linux without an emulator)? I'm asking this because I want to see if this last try will succeed and if it's worth to do so.

UPDATE: Already did it.

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough (update 3!)
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:46:22 PM »

People wanted to run a bot 24/7, but with earlier versions that wasn't possible due to cumulative memory consumption. Well, not anymore - with this new settings you can customize execution even more!
Change log (v1.4):
+ Added "Fine tuning" dialog; running bot for a specific and long time is now possible!
+ Added one new command: dec(text) - uses URL decode on given text
+ Added 4 new configurations, for: 247AutoHits, WebSurf, Twistrix and Alexa Master
+ Added GSA Captcha Breaker plugin with source
- Fixed some bugs

Find the latest version here:

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough (update 2!)
« on: September 16, 2015, 04:46:09 AM »
I've finally made a video tutorial, and I advise everyone to watch it (in 720p quality):

I hope you enjoyed! :)

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough (update 2!)
« on: September 09, 2015, 09:45:18 PM »

Here is finally, a long-awaited version 1.3 with EXE bot support! Want to see how does it look after building? Try it now!
Change log:
+ Option "Make EXE bot" finally enabled - you can now build stand-alone bots (even with plugins included)!
+ Added two independent commands: [dt] - current date & time, and [thr] - current thread
+ Added 2 new configurations - for FeelingSurf and 10KHits
* Inserting and removing indexes is now easier (Alt+I, Alt+R)
- Fixed many important bugs

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough (update!)
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:01:46 PM »
I've just created an official support forum for this tool:
There you can find latest releases with configurations and plugins, and seek for help and guides about creating them or even fire a request. Also, you can report some issues that you've encountered and write suggestions and feedback.
Let's see if that will attract people or not. :)

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough (update!)
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:49:48 PM »
After some time of working on a new version, I've finally finished and released it two days ago. It comes with many bug fixes and improvements, so I'm glad to present you v1.2 which comes with a few random configurations for practicing:

For other enhancements, see change log below:
* Option "Make EXE bot" isn't yet enabled
+ Added more options for retry
+ Added two independent commands: [oind] - previous array index, and [aind] - current array index
+ Added .NET 3.5 RegEx (special) plugin
+ 7 random configurations are included in the package
- Fixed a lot of major bugs (many of them were for arrays), changed some minor rules

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: June 09, 2015, 03:12:51 AM »
Here is a video of creating Twitter spam bot (watch it in 720p quality):
Also, the program is updated to version 1.1f! :)

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 31, 2015, 01:35:52 AM »
Updated to v1.1! Change log:
* Option "Make silent bot" isn’t yet enabled
+ Added new feature – plugins! There are two currently: Math and Simple Captcha with source (VB6)
+ Added new command: enc(text) - uses URL encode on given text
– Fixed some major and minor bugs

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 29, 2015, 05:50:31 PM »
Yeah it's a quite new tool. :)

Here is a teaser for the next version. ;)

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:04:44 AM »
Here is a tutorial for making a functional configuration:

Note: You'll need Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser.

Let's say we want to make a bot that will give a vote here (edit: choose another since this is closed):

First of all, we open UniBot and paste that URL into the first index:

Then we open the browser and go to incognito/private browsing mode to be sure that none of the cookes exist.
After that, we open developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I), select Network tab and then navigate to the above URL.
We'll see something like this:

Now, we go to the top of the list on the right where is developer window and select the first item. A new window will show below, so we select "Headers" tab and then focus on "Response Headers":

For us the important thing will be "Set-Cookie" parameters, so we see that they're two unusual (ID cookies):

The response headers are also part of the [src], so we have to extract that two values from it using two regex commands below:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
We put these commands where they belong:

Then we have to make these strings to be public, because we'll use them in another index. For the each of them, go to options ("...") and check "Public":

Now we'll focus on the browser window and clear the items in the list by clicking here:

After that, we should give a vote and catch that request. Click on the "Vote" button on the page and select a number of votes. We will now see this:

You can see that the first item and after it another one in the list is a POST request. We click on the first and select again "Headers", but we now focus on the "Request Headers" and notice these things:

There is some another parameter (CSRF token) that we haven't catched, and it must be in the page source if it wasn't in the very first response header from above. We open up the page source (Ctrl+U) and find its value:

We have now a problem with forming a command to extract that value from source. It can't be like this:
Code: [Select]
rg('[src]','<meta content="(.*?)"','$1') Since there are two meta content tags, the result would be the first:
Code: [Select]
authenticity_token We solve this by pointing out to start from the second result. Since the results start from 0 then for the second result command will be:
rg('[src]','<meta content="(.*?)"','$1',1)

We repeat the steps for making a public string from above, and we got now the current (but not final) look of the first index:

If you have done all of this, you can select the second index:

We'll now back to the browser window and right click on the first item from the list, and select to copy link address:

The URL is now copied into our clipboard. We paste it into the URL field in UniBot:

Now, we back on the "Request Headers" in the browser below list, to look for the POST data that was sent:

We'll form it like this for the Post field in UniBot and ignore "debug" parameters:
Code: [Select]
site2=1&forum_id=121579 It will now look like this:

Also, we must include as additional headers cookies (in strings "cfduid" and "sessionuid") that we have extracted earlier, and the CSRF token:

Now we'll back on the browser. We will focus on the "Response Headers", to see yet another unusual cookies (ID and for authentication):

Again, we repeat the previous steps for making public strings with these commands:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
And after you have done all of that, the second index finally should look like this:

Now, we click in the browser on the "votes.json" item in the list and focus on its "Request Headers". We'll see this:

Again, we find its content in page source:

We'll use this command to extract it:
Code: [Select]
rg('[src]','client_key: "(.*?)"','$1')
We back to the first index and put that command into a new string, so it shoud look like this:

Don't forget to make that string also to be public!

Now, we back on the browser window again and copy link address of the "votes.json" from the list, and then paste it into the third index:

Because it's also a POST request, me must fill the Post field too. In the browser we focus again on the "Form Data" (below "Request Headers"):

As we have seen eariler, we form request like this:
Code: [Select]
As usual, we fill the additional headers with needed data (but this time we add "uid" and "auth" string into the cookies), and we got this:

Note: You can make all strings to be Crucial, if you want to see if commands for them work correctly.

And that's it! You can now test the config or pass it to someone to do it for you if you don't want to search for proxy, since you've voted already from your IP (I don't know will it work if you remove the votes in the browser, since it's another session). :)

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 14, 2015, 01:46:01 PM »
Well, it's not open source but I'll be glad to see analysis here if someone did that - just to prove that it's safe to run.
@kenjoe41: About the interface, it's just my assumption of how others see it. I know that some people said for my programs that they're not noob-friendly. Maybe they were wrong, I don't know. And yes of course that I've firstly posted this tutorial on my blog.

Edit: Here are detailed analysis from these two services:

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:49:32 PM »
lrn2smf. Your last tutorial is in the trash, but people seemed to like it. I don't know why ande deleted it. Even though it's a walkthrough, it's still a good (and long) writeup, I suppose.

I see now via e-mail notify that HTH firstly deleted it and then ande. I hope that it won't be deleted onwards. Cheers

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:27:46 PM »
Thanks, buddy! ;) And thanks to the others who had earlier left a comment here which unfortunately was wiped out together with a thread. :-\

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:28:19 PM »
I must ask because this is the third time that happens to me: Why my thread disappears when I make a post and modify it? ??? It happened yesterday and now when I've tried to reply to some guys that have commented here. It's kinda weird that I have to repost this over and over.

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