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Messages - jstacks

Pages: [1]
Projects and Discussion / Re: How to properly maintain 2 projects?
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:26:50 AM »
Use git.
1) develop to master
2) create branches for each variation
3) merge master into each branch by rebasing the branch commits over the master

done and easy to maintain.

Projects and Discussion / Bayesian poison generator
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:52:28 PM »
So I'm thinking about writing a tool to build the magic for getting into the inbox. Was wondering if anyone has or knows where to find code to review. There seem to be a few simple steps.

1) generate text - I'm thinking to pull it from random RSS feeds
2) send the text to several random email accounts as well as one of my seeds every 500 or so emails
3) once I see the email in the inbox of one of my seeds then I know it's validated by the spam filters
4) use that golden ticket text to bypass filters and then blast out as much as I can until the ticket is burned.

Sound about right? Anyone have any suggestions on implementation or libraries to use?

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