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Messages - drago

Pages: [1]
Projects and Discussion / Re: New Web Ideas
« on: November 12, 2011, 03:40:11 PM »
I like it.I had never heard about it.This is like combining many site together. I don't think such a site exist , but i doubt its functionality because each individual site takes a lots of web space even i can't imagine how much space this site requires for all those thing at one place. But still hope i am wrong and the site will work...if i can help in any coding part then let me know it... i like to do so......

Mobile Hacking / Re: hacking mobile phone over Bluetooth
« on: November 11, 2011, 02:25:34 AM »

well, this reminds me to share some thing.
If any body using internet via GPRS.
and if you are getting error of ppp link control,
then you can try giving this command
Code: [Select]


in modem setting.
control panel-->phone and modem-->modems-->select your modem---->advance
and type above command. just keep ip as it is and use your actual apn name insted of "APN NAME"
look at refrence pic as i am using it in my laptop.

thanks for the piece of information. ya this is an AT command
AT+CGDCONT is GPRS command for defining Packet Data Protocol(PDP) context

Mobile Hacking / Re: hacking mobile phone over Bluetooth
« on: November 11, 2011, 02:04:28 AM »
Not sure what was the point of this. Looks like semi-tutorial'ish post :P
But I would like to know as well how can Bluetooth be exploited on newer phones.

i am new in this field and site don't what we need to post i have shared only the information i had and the way i have programed to hack mobile....

Mobile Hacking / hacking mobile phone over Bluetooth
« on: November 10, 2011, 02:24:19 PM »

hacking mobile phone over Bluetooth is quit a heavy task.

three things are needed for it.
  • knowledge about Bluetooth network.
  • A series of AT commands on which the radio network work.
  • how to get control over the phone....

i am a python programmer so the program i will show over python.

but first thing first i.e to know how bluetooth network work.
for this you can visit ove link

secondly knowin AT command on which radio network work.This can
be found on the NET or you can download and read the book
Telit_AT_Commands_Reference_Guide from the link

here is a simple python program to make a call from mobile device

from your pc.

from bluetooth import *
print near
for s in near:
    print count+1,":",lookup_name(s)
n=int(input("choose your device index"))
    str=raw_input("number you want to call")
    str="ATD +91"+str+";\r"
    print c.recv(100)
    print c.recv(100)
    print c.recv(100)

this program is run with python 2.6 interpreater and
bluz extention

the last about gaining access.Actually I have not found
any method to gain the access with out user notice. The
best thing i do is i promise the user of phone to give
a good ringtone or something like that and turn on always acceses

if any one knows any beter way to gain access without notice
then please inform me soon.Oviously we can do many more
only you need to know more of those AT commands and their

Pages: [1]

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