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Messages - MollyH

Pages: [1]
Hardware / Re: Is Alfa AWUS036NHA + Yagi 25dbi a good choice?
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:14:13 AM »
Do you mean an Alfa AWUS036H RTL8187L? 

I heard something about Normal adapters and Amplified adapters, I guess my AWUS036NHA is a Normal adapter. Poor me.

So, I continue wondering... if my adapter is a piece of shit, what adapter + antenna will be the best choice for a professional hacking? it doesn't care if the adapter costed  $300, I just wanna have a good stuff.

PD: I'm a Linux user.


Hardware / Re: Is Alfa AWUS036NHA + Yagi 25dbi a good choice?
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:00:55 AM »
Ok, what powerful cards do you suggest?

Hardware / Re: Is Alfa AWUS036NHA + Yagi 25dbi a good choice?
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:49:53 PM »
According to the seller that is a 2w card:

Ok, I I'll keep it in mind.

But whatever the case, will the result affect both the Internet broadcast and package injection or just one of them?


Hardware / Is Alfa AWUS036NHA + Yagi 25dbi a good choice?
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:49:31 PM »
Hey guys!

I have an Alfa AWUS036NHA Atheros AR9271, and I'm about to buy a Yagi 25dbi directional Antenna, with the purpose of increase the network detection of my Alfa card. The Alfa card is very stable and I am wondering if the Yagi 25dbi could interfere my Alfa's stability, or even if that could burn it. I am asking this because there was an article where was told that if the Gain is too high, this creates high interference. In the other hand the increase of the Alfa's range works just for Internet sharing or affects the package injection too?

Thanks in advance.

Networking / Re: does WIFI affect the Ethernet connection?
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:25:18 PM »
Thank you guy for your advise.

Networking / Re: does WIFI affect the Ethernet connection?
« on: May 22, 2015, 07:34:13 PM »
Ok, thanks

Networking / does WIFI affect the Ethernet connection?
« on: May 22, 2015, 07:07:41 PM »

I connect my PC directly to the router via ethernet cable, and I am just wondering if the fact of having a couple of WIFI users connected to my internet network, could slow down my ethernet speed; or if on the contrary the ethernet slows down the WIFI connection.

Thanks in advise.

Beginner's Corner / Re: How to Find Out AP IP?
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:14:46 AM »
Got it.

thanks 0pt1musPr1m3.

Beginner's Corner / Re: How to Find Out AP IP?
« on: May 03, 2015, 11:40:52 PM »
Thank you guys!

I'm gonna learn a bit more on how WLAN works, and continue with the Aircrack approach (Reaver is not an option because the router has WPS locked). I thought that getting the Handshake would be enough to get the public Ip address, just because I see the MAC of my Alfa card as a Station in the victim's AP.

It's a pity, because I already know the User and Password of the victim's router.


Beginner's Corner / How to Find Out AP IP?
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:17:13 PM »

I use Kali, and the Aircrack-ng suite. This way I can get the ESSID, BSSID but no AP's IP address of the routers I'm testing on.

I'm just learning to hack and I would like to know how to get the victim's router Ip addreess, the goal of this is to get remotely into the router.

Thanks in advice.

Pages: [1]

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