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Messages - a12danrulz

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: Prank app - Question
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:05:44 AM »
This sounds like one of those things that works best on a drunk friend.

Operating System / Re: Stuff you (probably) didn't know about Windows
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:01:05 AM »
You are my hero. You say shit that I can't even BEGIN to understand, but you say it in a way that makes me want to learn and understand it. This is one HELL of an explanation man.

How about copying the download link and replace it with an infected version of it? Then redirect that URL to the page download.

A tool used in combination with MitM or TCP hijack/spoofing. The MitM/TCP-attack replaces HTTP requests for EXEs with links to a different host. The replacement request would be something like (or an IP rather than a domain for the attacker if you use the MitM computer to host).
The essentially downloads, infects the executable, and forwards it. Downloading the entire file and then finally sending would take too long and the victim would probably time out. Instead, the attacker program downloads the file and infects as it's forwarding it to the victim. Attacker program would take the filesize of original EXE and determine what the size of the infect file will be and forward that size so that download can continue without a "size mismatch" error on the side of the victim.

I'm not sure what infection methods would work with pre-determined size. I suppose a binder would have a consistent size since there's no manipulation of the original file.
Multiple download parts wouldn't work on the size of the victim.
you could just use ettercap in combination with set or metasploit if they are on your LAN

Tutorials / Re: Hacking WEP with Backtrack4 Final and Airoscript
« on: January 17, 2011, 03:12:55 PM »
Yeah I meant virtualbox. I hate autocorrect sometimes.

Hacking and Security / Re: What is a Hacker? [debate]
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:26:27 AM »
For me, a hacker is someone who is so skilled with what they do they can exploit the tiny, near unnoticable failures other people make and use them for their own ends, whether to completely destroy a vulnerable site or to help people with finding and fixing security holes. They have an accute understanding of networking, programming, exploitation, and computers in general. They want to know how EVERYTHING works and try to make them more suited for their needs, anything from making their blender run better to breaking into a hostile country's network to prevent nuclear war.

As for white and black hat, a white hat hacker is someone who doesn't go too far when they hack, and usually have a reason for what they do and occasionally let the owner know about the risk. They could be working for a company to help test networks or they could have fun trying to gain a shell on a site.

Black hat hackers to me are the people who break into a network for the sole purpose of defacing it, destroying it, or stealing sensitive information they can use for their own ends. They could be compared to the bully who walks the halls and takes the weak nerds lunch money, a close site comparison could be, little no-lifes who steal peoples personal info. Black hatters have no rhyme or reason to what their targets are, other than the target being vulnerable.

Grey hat hackers are pretty much a grey area. To me they are the people who just started learning how to hack, they don't know what they are doing and just crash around the Internet for any targets they can find though. But if your site is vulnerable, they tend to do the most damage because they don't fully realize what the consequences are.

Hope you guys think these are close descriptions :)

Tutorials / Re: Hacking WEP with Backtrack4 Final and Airoscript
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:20:43 PM »
This is one HELL of a tut man! Time to hack into my own wifi network. Quick question though. Could this be done from VMware? I have mine set to share my laptops network and it's never asked for a password eventhough Im getting Internet from it and it shows up when I scan. Would I have to disconnect my laptop from the network first?

Ettercap worked completely fine for me right after the attack. Backtrack is back up too.

Pages: [1]

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