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Messages - resid3nt

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I did all the process from the begining

I donwloaded the kernel 3.2.0
 I had combined all these in linux-3.2 Folder

 I had inserted my System Call
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 According to this guide I try to Build the kernel and then Install it
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 When i write fakeroot debian/rules clean an erro appears :
 /usr/bin/fakeroot: line 178: debian/rules: no such a file or directory
 Using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit kernel 3.10

They finished

output error:

ld: cannot find bloc/helloworld: No such file or directory
make: ***[vmlinux.o] Error 1

My system call is helloworld

You need to compile the kernel and modules first.
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$ make # Compile the kernel
$ make modules # Compile the modules
$ make install # Install the kernel (just moves it to /boot and stuff)
$ make modules_install # Install the modules

Thanks a lot

The root directory of the kernel sources is the linux-3.2.0 Folder??

ok thanks a lot

I did make and make modules

I will try all of them again

Operating System / [Question]-Make a System Call Linux Kernel 3
« on: May 02, 2015, 02:21:21 PM »
New member here:)

I need to make a System Call like this article here which I followed
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I downloaded Linux Kernel 3.2.0 and I have done the modifications are being said in the above article

According to this I am trying to install the Kernel with : sudo make modules_install
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I have this error
:cp: cannot stat ' /usr/src/linux-3.2.0/modules.builtin': NO such file directory
make: ***[_modinst_] Error 1

I installed module but again this error

Something more:
In the 1st article
Now, in the root directory of the kernel sources, create a directory named hello and in it, a file hello.c with the following content:
#include <linux/kernel.h> asmlinkage long sys_hello(void) { printk("Hello world\n"); return 0; } 
printk is similar to printf function of C but writes to the kernel log instead of the screen. asmlinkage is a key word used to indicate that all parameters of the function(here none of course :) ) would be available on the stack.

The root directory of the kernel sources is the linux-3.2.0 Folder??

I had never any experience with kernel if you know any book to get some more explanation please write

Thanks in advance

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