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Messages - NooneSpecial

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Hacking and Security / Question about options for site infiltration
« on: April 28, 2015, 06:37:25 PM »
I have access to a site via SQL injection. Through that I have root MySQL access with full permissions.

MySQL is NOT running as root.

The web directories (that I have found/are public) are NOT writable by MySQL/outfile.

The MySQL plugin directory is not writable (no UDF)

I cannot find any files that reveal other (SSH?) credentials.

Only SSH, MySQL, and Nginx 1.4.6 are running/open to the outside.

Via load_file I have total world-readable access to the filesystem.

Via outfile I have write access to public spaces like /tmp.

I'm out of ideas. Are there other options/routes I can use to get a backdoor/shell onto this machine? Thought I'd ask around some forums and see if anyone knew something I didn't.

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